Don't Ditch Me

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TW: contains stalking, kidnapping

Fives pov

She was so beautiful. Her graceful charm down to her silky hair.

The moment I saw her, I just had to be with her, to be around her constantly.

And it worked, temporarily. My only mistake was getting caught.

She broke up with me. She really shouldn't have.

According to her I was obsessive, manipulative and a down right psychopath.

I tried reasoning with her, but she found my little 'tricks'. My trackers, cameras… all found, all of my hard work gone to waste.

There was no way to get her to listen, she wasn't being reasonable, wasn't calm enough to persuade.

Sometimes desperate times calls for desperate measures.

So… here I stood, glancing at her from her bedroom window. Her hair falling down her face, she looked so beautiful when she slept, so peaceful.

This could've gone another way, I could've been right next to her.

The thing is, i've been through far too much to just let her go, she was my peace and my one and only. I couldn't just let her move on, it wouldn't be right.

She needed me, I need her. It's how it's suppose to be, the only way.

Third persons pov

Five slid through her window, gliding behind her curtains as she began to stir.

He stared at her darkly, a smile creeping up on his lips.

He moved forward, careful not to make a sound.

He mapped out every corner of her room, every creak and every broken floorboard. Just in case it had to come to this.

He moved slowly, finally reaching her waiting unconsciousness.

He ran his hand over her cheek, pushing hair out of her face and kissing her forehead.

With a sudden movement, her eyes flashed open.

Her attempt to scream unaffective, a hand clothe rushing to keep her quiet.

Fives pov

She squirmed and squirmed, my other hand moving to hold her down.

I watched with a soft smile as she finally stopped struggling, her beautiful body coming to a rest. I ran my hand over her neck and up her jaw, pushing any stray hair that graced her face.

This was it.

I picked my moment and I finally got her, she was all mine.

This was going to be a whole lot of fun.

Enjoy your day!

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