Rainy Days

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Y/n pov

The third day in a row with torrential rain. Don't get me wrong, I love rain but, it's suppose to be summer.

I couldn't complain though, he was here. Right next to me.

Aidan and I were laying in bed, binge watching the walking dead. Our night stands piled high with snacks, pillows and blankets tossed around the room.

Aidan's pov

I looked over at my beautiful partner, running my hand through their hair and down their back. I pulled them in closer, wrapping the blankets tightly around us.

Third persons pov

The couple laid closely together, the water patting down on the apartment.

20 minutes passed and they grew bored of their lazy day.

"Cake?" Aidan asked.

"Baking or buying?"
They replied.

"Baking!" He replied enthusiastically

With a nod, the two of them rushed to the kitchen. Grabbing all of the ingredients and spreading them openly over the table.

With a recipe in hand and all of the supplies, they got to work. Mixing the dry ingredients and wet into one. Occasionally throwing stray flour at each other.

After they managed to get the mixture into the oven, whatever was left, without spillage.

They waited, a bowl of ice cream in hand and a mug of hot chocolate.

Y/ns pov

Taking the warm cake from the oven and spreading a warm chocolate glaze over the top, we grabbed our forks and digged in.

I looked over at Aidan, a content look on his face and his hair gliding over his face.

Moving forward, I tucked the piece of hair behind his ear, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

He grabbed my hand, kissing the top of it and gliding his thumb over my skin.

It was days like these, where I truly loved this man.

Anyways... I know this was short but if you have requests please let me know, I'm stumped.

I might do smut, but I won't be doing it for Aidan, also depends on the request.

Enjoy your day!


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