A Day With You.

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Fives pov

Since entering the new time line I found myself a job working as a maths professor.

I enjoyed math and it felt good to be in control of a classroom.

Going into teaching I never realised how long the hours were. Leaving y/n alone most of the day to figure out the new ways of the time line on her own. Saying I felt bad was an understatement, but being who she was she told me she understood and that I should persue teaching.

I wanted to surprise her with spending the day with her , a day that would allow us to be together. I'll admit I missed her company, the only moments we get together is getting into the same bed every night.

I was excited to say the least, making sure everything was right for her.

Y/n pov

As I woke up expecting the otherside of the bed to be empty, I turned being surprised to see my husband sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled not getting to enjoy something like this often.

Kissing his cheek softly I prepared myself to get up to make us both a fresh cup of coffee. Shifting off the bed I felt myself get dragged back down letting out a whine due to the unexpected act.

"It's okay, the coffees already brewed and  set on your table love. "

Although the gesture was kind, I couldn't focus on anything but the sound of his voice. No matter how many decades we've been together I still find myself flustersed over the sound of morning voice. It doesn't matter what words he chooses to spill it still manages to sound perfect.

I chose to let him rest and cuddled closer. What ever actions I was thinking off could easily be pulled off later.

Third persons pov

Five had made sure she would never forget that day for the rest of her life. They spent it exploring, five teaching her what was expected of their new home. In a way they were figuring out what life they should have been living. She was more than grateful and found herself remembering why she married him many decades ago.

Even if there was no apocalypse, she wouldn't of wanted to spend her days with anyone else.

Anyway…hope you enjoyed it

Have a great day

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