Beyond Me: Part 1

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Y/n pov

I stood in front of the mirror as the handmaid assisted me in putting on my gown, the lace trimmings flowed as the subtle wind drifted into the Palace bedroom.

The chill became more prominent, this however was not the winds doing. Just moments before, my father had announced my marriage, this being no knowledge of my own.

I was arranged to be married in two weeks, this may not have been so shocking if it had been to a man that I had met before. But this, this was a stranger.

I couldn't fuss nor expect any more by being being a princess, this was my duty. However inconvenient it may be.

I stayed quiet as my mind clouded itself, becoming unaware of my surroundings.

I was brought back, wincing as I felt the handmaid tighten the corset around my waist.

They had made a mighty fuss about my appearance to meet the prince. In their eyes, I had to look absolutely flawless.

The underskirts weighing me down,  stockings, garters, even more petticoats before finally finishing with a fine silk gown and a tight pull of my corset strings.

I could say this was my everyday life, but it wasn't.

Things were much simpler in my kingdom, a simple silk gown would do. This is something I'd wear to a ball or a celebration, but for a simple meeting that would only take at most five minutes, I didn't understand all the fuss.

Besides, I don't think the prince would be impressed if I waddled into the room like a penguin, wheezing like I had just ran a marathon.

"You look absolutely stunning your majesty."  I heard her call out, I felt her  gentle hand give me a  squeeze.

"He's going to love you."

"Thank you pearl", I said turning to my handmaid

When they had finally finished their inspection on my attire, I was given permission to get into my carriage. The final step before meeting my future husband

I sat quietly as I watched the countryside pass by, the journey continued.

I wish I could say I was upset or furious at my father's actions but the truth was, I was pleased. I had always expected to do something to help our kingdom, if this was how I could help, so be it.

5 hours later

We had finally arrived, the journey had been tiresome but it had given me time to overthink the endless possibilities of my upcoming marriage.

I sat up as the carriage doors opened, fixing the creases on my dress.

The fresh air was inviting, but so was the magnificent palace of gold before my eyes. A euphemism of course, the palace was made of bricks like any other.

I took the footmans hand as he helped me squeeze the rest of my dress out of the carriage. I tried my best not to laugh as I watched the carriage sway side to side, almost as if my dress had attacked it.

I stood by the bottom of the palace, ever so suprised to feel the footmen lift up my dress to help me walk up the palace steps.

As I walked through the grand hallway, I tried to hide my look of wonder. They had the most impressive collection of art scattered perfectly around the palace floors .

Finally, I stopped at a door awaiting my permission to enter. As soon as the man spoke the doors swung open, the guards announcing my entrance.

I walked in slowly, making sure my posture was at its outmost perfection.

Nickys pov

As she walked in I stood up proudly.

My father was by my side, he had insisted on being here to observe the encounter. He wanted to make sure that this union would bring unity instead of bitterness and cruel words. In his eyes, this marriage had to be utter perfection, no flaws or personal preferences were to be tolerated.

I shifted my focus to the room. My eyes immediately locking onto hers, almost as if we had began a silent agreement.

"So this is my soon to be bride" I said 

She bowed slightly, her hands placed by the sides of her gown.

"It is an honor, your majesty" She said softly, her eyes meeting mine once again.

Anyways, that was the first part of the story. Yay!

I hope to enjoyed the read, have a wonderful day


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