Looking Out For You

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✨Song inspired✨

Aidans pov

As I watched her sit next to him, I felt my stomach turn. That could of been me, could have if I hadn't waited to tell her.

She's my best friend and the love of my life. Instead of telling her how I felt I wrote about her. Writing soon became music.

I haven't shown her yet because she'll know as soon as she hears it. She knows me.

They weren't dating but yet I felt so guilty for liking her. I don't know why because I've loved her for so long. I shouldn't feel bad for not wanting her to be with someone else. But it still felt wrong. I was always looking out for her, if I confess now then who knows how it could affect her. I don't want to hurt her by complicating things.

Snapping out of my thoughts I noticed her sitting next to me.

Third person pov

As y/n watched aidan snap out of his trance she began begging him to tell her about his music.

"Aidan, what are you writing about?"


"Oh. I'm not even ask who."

"Why not?"

"I know you won't tell me. So instead, can you sing it to me"


"Oh come on! Please?"

He wanted to say no but he couldn't. What would of been the point of overthinking a moment ago just to give in right away? But he caved. She always gave him a look that even Zues couldn't say no to.


Y/ns pov

I focused myself on him. Watching as he strummed his guitar.

I swear that boy never goes anywhere without one of his many guitars. He's passion for music was always he's most valued personality trait, my favourite thing about him.

Listening to him sing I found myself feeling jealous. I shouldn't be, we aren't together.

The way he sung about her made my heart sink. That should be me.

Do any of you remember that one Justin beiber song.

"That should be me holding your hand. That should be me, making you laugh. "

I was reminded of it in the middle of writing.
Forgive me though its 1am

Anyways... I hope you enjoyed the read

Have a great day

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