Is There Something I Did Wrong?

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I might do this for five too, like the process of going through life together from start to finish

Aidans pov

As I walked through set I grew nervous. Y/n and I recently did a kiss scene for Five and stephanie.

I noticed her avoiding me, unable to hold eye contact.

She was my best friend, and I'll admit I like her. It just makes me feel worse about kissing her. I don't want our friendship ruined over a kiss scene.

Y/n pov

I sat in my trailer contemplating on whether to talk to aidan about my developing feelings towards him. I know avoiding him was the wrong thing to do.

We were finishing off season four so ruining our friendship might mean I never see him again.

The show coming to an end, although sad may work in my favor. If he doesn't feel the same way I also won't see him again, but it still hurt realising a chapter is closing in my book.

Whats the harm in being honest?

Aidan pov

I knocked on her door, hoping shes in there.

As she opened up she looked ready to leave, confused to find me waiting

"I was just going to call you, come in. "

Third person pov

They sat down close enough for their knees to touch, the air growing increasing awkward as they stared in silence. The intensity enough to make a grown man cringe.

"What were you going to tell me? " He asked

"Im not sure I should go first, you were coming to talk to me anyway."

"I suppose so, why have you been avoiding me?"

"I've just been busy"

"Busy? Y/n we have the same schedule, we don't even go to school anymore. What could you possibly be busy with?"


"Don't say stuff. Please just tell me the truth. Is it because of the kiss? Did it make you feel uncomfortable? Did I make you feel uncomfor-"

"Aidan! Please, calm down you didn't do anything."

Y/n pov

Everything he was saying felt rushed an panicky. I felt bad for making him think it was his fault. I decided to just get it out.

"I like you" I said quickly


"I said I like you."

"You do?"

"Yes, I have for a while."

Aidan pov

Hearing her say that felt like such a relief. I saw the worried look on her face. Consumed in thought I realised it must have taken me ages to responded.

"I like you too" She smiled at me, I felt my heart race.

"Can I kiss you" We asked,both with flushed cheeks and sweaty palms. I wouldn't have changed a thing

Nodding we both leaned in...

I think so many problems could be fixed if we just communicated with one another. Like the apocalypse wouldn't have happened if Luther had just decided to talk instead of locking somebody up. But we wouldn't have a fourth season coming out if he did so I'm grateful for him anyway.

Anyway... Hope you enjoyed it, I thought it was cute

Have a great day

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