In This Lifetime

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Y/ns pov

The history of only ever being a friend. Stopping myself from confessing to you.

I stared at him blankly, stealing a glance from him and giving him a soft smile.

I sat there, completely lost in a train of thought. The same cycle of the day's that have already passed.

I tried being friends with him, helping him whenever he had girl problems, no matter the cost of my own feelings.

The truth of always being the matchmaker but never being the girl he wanted. Wishing that somehow I could change that, my personality and my appearance shifting into someone I didn't recognise.

When the pain and the heartbreak got too much, I recollected my thoughts and told myself it was time to move on.

I truly did love him, whether I saw happiness or misery, fame or hardly known, talented or just ordinary. But the truth is, he was never ordinary. He deserved more than life had given, but so do I.

I loved him, and I know a part of me always will. We just weren't meant to be, maybe I'll catch him in another lifetime.

Aidan's pov

I watched as she walked out, a part of me knowing that it may of been our last goodbye.

Another lifetime it'll be.

Anyways… I hope you enjoyed the read

I know its really short but I wanted to get something out.

Have a great day!

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