Am I Really In Your Arms

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Third person pov

We've all been at a point in our lives where we feel like we'd rather be anywhere or anyone else. There's always a way to cope with this. Some read, some use substance to drown out reality but most importantly some of us dream.

We shift to a different world where everything is by our design and is only as perfect as you imagine it to be.

It's the only way some of us deal with who we really are. Being specific we talk about y/n

Y/ns pov

All I did was sleep. People complained about it all the time. I heard the same thing over and over.

"You're young, you shouldn't be wasting all of that energy in bed"

Have they ever questioned why I do it?

There's only so much you can do to help yourself through your teenage years. The hormonal changes are no joke, one moment you're laughing and the next you feel like you'd rather be anywhere else.

The uncomfortable itch of being outside of your safe place, surrounded by people who you're not even sure you like.

The only place I had never felt unsafe was when I was dreaming. I would send myself to a different universe where everybody seemed to understand me.

As sad as it may seem I  dreamt myself a boyfriend. His name was Five Hargreeves.

Every night I'd go to bed anticipating what harmonious words would come out of his mouth. He always knew exactly what to do and what to say to make me feel safe.

Third person pov

As she fell asleep she immediately found herself back in the academy.

"Hey klaus. Have you seen five anywhere?"

"Hey pretty,I don't know. Check his room but remember when you get there wear protection. "

"Klaus, seriously!"

He raised his hands in defence

"I'm kidding."

She began walking but stopped.

"Or am I?"

"Klaus I heard that. "

"Alright, I'm sorry." he laughed as she left the room.

Finally after what seemed like an endless amount of time searching she found him.

"Hey lover boy."

"Hey darling, I'm just about to finish. Are you staying for the night?"

"I suppose I am."

She climbed into bed, five soon doing the same.

As they were cuddled close she knew she didn't want to fall asleep. The dream would only last a moment, she wanted to savour it.

He continued whispering sweet nothings into her ear, encouraging her to sleep. She refused and instead listened carefully to the sound of his voice.

"I love you" He said after kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too."

"See you say that knowing I'm just a figment of your imagination."

Y/n pov

I jolted awake.

I knew he wasn't real but that didn't mean I don't want him to be.

My dreams are the only time I can get away from reality and  believe I am truly his. He makes life so much easier to cope with.

So to hear him say that was soul crushing, knowing that he isn't where I want him to be. I realise how bad it must be for five to tell me its only my imagination. My mind had become it own enemy.

He was just a fictional character I dreamt about but yet everything he said to me felt so real. Every action he made was so comforting.

Why did he make me feel so alive?

I'm really stuck on ideas so this is all I could do for now.

Anyway… hope you enjoyed it

Have a great day

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