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Just to clarify, this is just a piece of writing. Thinking like this is extremely unhealthy. If you believe this is the way someone will love you than you seem to have a lot more in common with her.


Y/n pov

Have you ever found yourself infatuated by the thought of someone?

The idea of them being with you becomes obsessive.

I wish I couldn't relate to the concept but, we all have our flaws right?

Aidan Gallagher, an actor who I found myself coming across one day. A show I enjoyed and watched a million times. I never thought about him until looking him up.

I found out so many interesting things about him. He was a UN ambassador, a musician and song writer.

I believe it started out as a crush.

They always do, but I couldn't stop the desire to get to know him better, to know him better than anyone ever could.

The thought of someone being with him made me feel ill, like I couldn't breathe without knowing I had a chance. Besides, why should he be with someone else when I'm right here?

As I went through all of the new data I could find on him, I noticed something. He was coming to my city for a panel. I couldn't miss taking up the offer, this was my one opportunity.

Aidan's pov

Walking out onto the stage always sent me a rush. The sound of screams deafening but yet I'll have to admit, it is an incredible feeling to know I'm loved and my talents are appreciated.

Halfway into the panel I noticed someone, she had a white dress on with her hair down. She was beautiful but I had to stay focused non the less, this was part of my job.

I tried but her eyes were locked on me, I turned towards her. She sent me what looked to be a warm smile, I sent one back and went on.

However, I couldn't seem to brush off this uneasy feeling. On the outside the smile was warm but yet it felt so cold, the intentions weren't what they seemed to be.

Time skip to after the panel

I couldn't help but feel relieved as the cool air hit me, the panel along with the meet a greet had ended. Don't get me wrong I love my fans, they can be lovely but it's not always the case.

Forgetting the troubles of the day I decided to get something to eat. There was a local bakery that I spotted earlier when I arrived.

Making my way towards it I stopped. I spotted the woman from the panel. She had a coat over her dress with her back facing me.

I didn't need to see her to know  exactly who she was. The same feeling coming back from before. This along with the eagerness to know why her presence felt so cold.

She walked off, call me stupid but I followed her. Her pace going steady, she seemed to be in no rush and neither was I. She turned and within a split second she disappeared.

I decided not to waste my time, leading myself back to the bakery.

As I took my first few steps, I stopped. I felt a prick, my senses becoming nothing, my legs collapsed and everything went black.

Third person pov

Y/n looked at him, her joy fading as she became frantic. She had no idea what to do with him.

There was no clue on knowing whether her plan would get this far.

On the brink of a mental break down she calmed herself, she knew exactly what she'd do.

Smiling to herself knowing she had finally gotten what she wanted, all of her patience was rewarded.

Aidan's pov

Waking up I forced myself to open my eyes.

The room was dark, the curtains slightly open but the wind not allowing them to be stable. The sound beating at my ears.

Realising how tied up I was I struggled, trying my best to free myself. I stopped as the feeling came back to me.

I wasn't alone.

I know exactly who it was. Her cold stare met mine. I whined, begging at her to let  me free.

She ushered herself  slowly towards my front. Pulling the tape off of my mouth at a painfully tiresome pace.

I stayed silent, she seemed fragile. The last thing I wanted was for her to hurt me.

Y/ns pov

As I waited for him to speak I grew frustrated. He was staring right at me, but not a word left his mouth.

I wanted to scream but if I wanted him to love me I had to be patient.

"Cat got your tounge? " I asked

Not even a sound

"You're making this more difficult than it needs to be my love."

"Don't call me that"

"Well, you'll be here for a while so I'm sure you'll grow to love that name, besides you'll fall in love with me soon enough. I promise"

Aidans pov

"May I ask you what planet of delusion you're living on?"


"You kidnapped me and have me tied up in God knows where. I will never love you. I promise that."

As I said those words I saw something change, the look in her eyes changed. For a moment there was a whirlpool of emotions. Sadness, guilt and regret, realising what shes done. But that didn't last long, anger had arised.

That's the  last thing I saw before everything slowly turned to black.

He's not dead, this could be a story of its own but so could many other things.

Anyway… hope you enjoyed it.

Have a great day

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