Take Me Back To When You Were Alive.

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Aidan- angst

Aidan pov

I watched as the little girl slept before me. She looked so peaceful.

She was mine, my daughter. My little girl.

Her features almost identical to mine, yet she still shared the quality characteristics of her mother.

I never thought that I'd be raising her on my own. The love of my life no longer with me to share these joyful moment.

How I hate the man who took her from me. Not even sorry for taking a mother away from her child, a wife away from her husband. Thinking about her sent me into a spiral. We were meant to be together for a lifetime. What we could of had and what we were meant to have.

I sobbed quietly, knowing that my daughter will never feel the love she gave. She'll never know the love of her mother.

Everyone telling me that shes in a better place. That it was her time.

What they didn't understand was this was her better place. With her family, by my side.

I would of never thought that I would end up losing her. Not in this way.

Y/n pov

I listened to him weep. My heart crumbling as watched the man I love cover himself. Shielding our daughter. He didnt want her to see her dad beg for someone who had been long dead. How I wish it didn't have to be this way.

I placed myself behind him. Focusing on the sound of his heartbeat. Trying to think of a reason to why this was meant to be.

' I love you'

"I always will"

I hate this so much. I always try to make sure my writing flows well but this imagine is just getting on my nerves. How is something suppose to be sad if it doesn't read well.

I'm trying to get ideas but I have none. I'm not even sure if people are enjoying this book.

If you are, thanks I really appreciate you. I'm doing this book for the fun of it but thanks.


I hope you have a great day. You guys are amazing.


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