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Aidans pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring, unusual and unlucky.

It was a Saturday, being forgetful and tired I never remembered to turn it off.

To say I was pissed was an understatement. Im a light sleeper, unlike sleeping beauty next to me.

I looked down at the girl sleeping peacefully wrapped up in my arms. Thankfully undisturbed. I felt my anger cool itself.

I smiled, cuteness aggression over taking me. I squeezed her tightly, placing light kisses all over her face and neck.

All of this energy suddenly allowing myself to no longer feel tired. Wanting to surprise with breakfast in bed I slowly removed myself. Being careful not to wake her.

As I prepared her favourites I thought about how grateful I am to have her. She was patient, kind and loving. I needed her, especially now.

Grabbing everything and placing it on a tray I walked to the bedroom.

Her eyes slightly open, she was struggling to stay awake after noticing my absence.

"Good morning my love."

"Good morning to you too, I made breakfast."

After thanking me she sat up. Placing the tray in front of her, she began eating.

As we tucked in we enjoyed the silence, there was never a moment of awkward tension. Our company was enough.

Third persons pov

After finishing and cleaning up the two got back into bed. Already decided that the day would be spent inside, close to one another.

Both agreeing this was needed. Aidan constantly spending time working on his album. Although very time consuming Y/n was proud of him. Proud of all of his accomplishments.

But... what would be the harm in aidan spending time cuddled up with his wife.

Anyways... hope you enjoyed the read.

Have a great day!

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