Dancing With Danger

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Fives pov

Here I stood in the sweaty, germ filled club.

I promised klaus a night out with the guys. Unsurprisingly, this is what I get for trusting klaus to decide.

Internally, I couldn't complain. With Diego being a dad and Luther still searching for sloane, after everything we've been through, I'm just glad I have my family back. Glad there's no more fighting or danger following us.

All screws loose and all, I cared about my family, even missed them. Especially Klaus, he brought fun, excitement.

I just expected a different venue, but then again, this was Klaus.

The club smelt like sweat, hairspray and  alcohol with an elixer of cheap perfumes.

I sat at the front of the bar, silently cursing as drunk strangers crumbled over me to get to their drink.

Drinking the final bit of my scotch, I turned to klaus with an unenthusiastic smile.

"Wonderful choice for festivities, brother. Perfect place for a father, a retired assasin and a grieving husband.

We should let you pick all of the time!"  My voice laced with sarcasm.

"You need to loosen up NUMBER Five, stop getting your little panties in a twist and enjoy yourself."

God, I hated being called number five.

"You know what you need to do little brother?"

"No, but I'm guessing you'll tell me"

"You need to get lai-"


"What? It's not like I'm wrong. You know, with that manniquin gone, I think it's time you open the field. You're all grouchy and up tight all of the time, let go little brother and have some fun."

"Dolores, her name was Dolores."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Go get you some!"

I rolled my eyes, looking over at Diego and Luther for support. They didn't give the response I was looking for, just slightly nodding their heads at me.

I scoffed.

"You know if viktor was here, he would've agreed with me."

Y/ns pov

I watched the unfortunate men from my booth, not a smile on either of their faces.

The younger one however, intrigued me. Wearing a suit in such an informal situation.

How… fascinating?

I slid out of my booth, pushing past intoxicated strangers and struggling my way over to the bar.

With much uncertainty, I tapped his shoulder.

Fives pov

I turned to see a young woman, the tap on my shoulder surprising me.

"Could I buy you a drink?" She asked confidentially

I ran my tounge over my teeth, clicking my tounge with uncertainty.

Slowly, I nodded my head. Curiousity getting the better of my usual judgement. Although I'd never admit it, maybe klaus was right.

She looked at my glass, turning to the bartender and ordering me another scotch.

"Scotch in a nightclub? Why sir, you are truly intriguing."

I nodded my head, taking a sip of my scotch before tilting my head to motion for her to have a seat.

"Are you always so quiet?" She asked

"No, he usually has a lot to say" Klaus interrupted

I glared at him before shifting my gaze back to her.

"As my brother rudely interrupted, no, I'm not usually quiet. I just speak when I have something to say."

"So, you have nothing to say to me?"  She smirked.

"Oh no, I have a lot to say to you. Possibly more than you can handle."

"How do you know I can't handle it?" She asked playfully.

I smirked, leaning forward and pushing her hair to the side.

"Because I'm an asshole." I whispered

"And that's... bad? " She whispered back.

The smirk never left me, shaking my head slightly and shooting back the rest of the scotch left in my glass.

Y/ns pov

God, that smirk. His cockiness was truly enticing, his coldness and unwillingness to be open was exciting.

Who wouldn't like a guy with a little mystery?

I leaned forward, brushing my hand over the top of his own.

"I'm getting tired of this place. Drugs and cheap perfume isn't really my scene. I'm leaving, care to join me?"

Fives pov

My eyes widened slightly at her touch. My cockiness slipping away momentarily.

My gaze shifted slightly as I watched klaus mock me from behind, holding his hands together like some holy angel.

I shook my head, turning my attention back to the woman in front of me.

I slid off my stool, offering my hand out to her.

"It would be my pleasure."

Let me know if you want a part 2

Have a great day


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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