What Was I Made For

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Y/n pov

Walking around the academy, I expected to find myself alone. Expecting the house to be empty. That's how it felt anyway.

I slowly made my way upstairs, heading straight towards my bedroom. I stopped suddenly as I heard muffled cries.

Confused as to why the noise was coming from five's room, I turned to his door. Bringing my hand up and knocking twice.




"Five, are you okay? I know you're in there. Can I come in?"


I ignored the intense silence and opened the door. There he was on his knees, quietly whining. Covered head to toe in blood.

"Five! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Rushing over, placing myself right in front of him to reach eye level.

"I'm okay." He said

It was hard to believe. I had never seen him in such a deluded state. He was never one to cry.

"Okay? Please tell me what's okay about this?"

"Leave it alone. You woundn't understand?"

"How could I possibly understand with no explanation? You do this all the time. Complaining about how I don't understand. Maybe, if you filled me in every once in a while I would."

"You wouldn't. "

"I could if you just tell me."

I pushed at it, I wasn't going to let him off this time.

"Leave it be."

I could tell he was agitated but I wanted to know.

"Five, tell me"


"Five! "


We both stood.

"Please! You can't keep doing this. You come home in a state and I clean you up, every damn time. You tell me to do something and I do it no questions asked, every damn time. What else do you expect me to do? Act like nothing's happened? I'm tired of you pulling shit like this Five. I give you everything and you don't even have the decency to tell me the fucking truth! Not even once. "

I turn, making my way over to the door. I don't have the patience to deal with him. I'm tired of being his little pet.

I'm stopped by my arm being grabbed. He pulls me forward to face him

" You wanna know why you won't understand? Because you aren't like me. You weren't born out of magical fucking flowers! Every day I ask myself 'what was I made for' . Made to parade like a show pony infront of millions. Pretending to be picture perfect in a house where my father didn't even care enough to give us names! I know it wasn't to save the world. Because I failed at that every damn time. I couldn't save my family. I couldn't protect them, I was never able to! Not only that but after all of it, they didn't even want me. They left me alone. Without powers, with nothing left. Nobody wanted me. "

"I did! How do you think I deal with your shitty attitude? Because I wanted you!"

"That's not enough! I love you but it's not enough. I have to deal with the thought that even my own mother didn't want me! She gave me away the second there was an offer. Making sure I was out of her life was the best decision she ever made. She probably thought so."

His voice became breathy and confused

"Why didn't she want me? "

I was silent

"Why didn't she want me? " He cried

"Maybe if she hadn't given me up so easily then my life would be simpler. It would mean something! "

I couldn't say anything. I mean what do you say to someone knowing you haven't experienced the same pain they have. There was nothing I could say to make his heart ache less. So I didn't.

I pulled him closer, bringing his almost limp body into a hug. He fell to his knees, crying into my chest.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered those words into my ears continuesly.

"It's not your fault, please stop apologising"

He cried harder. I can't imagine the feeling of relief he felt hearing those words spoken to him for the first time.

"It's okay. I love you"

I heard him whisper it back.

Soon the cries turned into whimpers and then finally silence. I watched as the boy peacefully slept. Holding me tightly to keep me close.

Anyway... I hope you enjoyed the read.

Have a great day!


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