Chapter 1

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Moving away from Mystic Falls and moving to North Carolina was probably one of the best decisions I think I've ever made. I don't have to deal with my shitty father and sister. I love Caroline, but I'm only a year younger than her and sometimes she can act and say things that aren't the nicest. My dad always loved Caroline more, and things got a little better when he left, I never had a problem with mom though, she always treated me and Caroline the same and would get us the same things as children and would even scold my dad for getting Caroline something nice and me nothing. Caroline is the one who isn't the closest with mom and I had a better relationship with mom than her and Caroline.

Once I got my car and license, I just went to North Carolina and Damon and Stefan just compelled the owner and all the workers to let me live at this very nice apartment for free and they gave me lots of money to last me quite a few years. I met them a while ago before I left Mystic Falls which was about 6 months ago I think. However I miss the people there, I miss Damon, Stefan, Tyler, and Bonnie. Those are really the first few people that come to my mind and Jeremy.

I had a fling here and there with Damon, Stefan, Tyler, and Jeremy. People called me a whore and I kind of am but I really don't care what other people think of me. I usually just tell them to kiss my ass and then leave.

"Aurelia!" My friend Layla calls out to me, grabbing my attention and pulling me back to reality. "What" I say plainly. "We're you even listening? Do you want to go out with Evan tonight or no??" She asks looking at me with her eyes wide, they looked like they were about to pop out at me and it was scary.

"Okay put your god damn eyes back into your head before I really poke them out of your head with my fingertips" I say with a horrified look on my face and Layla just rests her face immediately and glares at me. "Anyways I don't know if I'll go with Evan, I mean he's cute and a gentlemen but there's something about him that just doesn't draw me in or call out to me" I say, thinking for a moment.

"Why? Cause he's a man?" She asks with a small chuckle afterwards and I just glare at her and then nod my head after a second. "Precisely darling, I'm surprised your thick head got the message" I say, smirking slyly at her and she just continues glaring and then gets up off my couch.

Layla turned back around to say something to me, probably another comment or comeback but she was cut off by my phone ringing. "Saved by the bell huh?" I say pulling out my phone and seeing it's Caroline calling. I groan to myself and dread having to answer this but I hit the answer button anyways and put the phone to my ear. "Hey Care, what's up?" I say putting on a fake, sarcastic smile even though she couldn't even see me. "Hey Lia, have you heard from either Damon or Stefan recently?" She asks and that brings my full attention to her.

"No I haven't spoken to them since last week, why? What's going on? Are they okay?" I ask multiple questions, waiting for her answer to any of them. "Did they tell you about the Originals?" She asks and I remember Damon telling me about like Elijah and Klaus. "Yep, Damon also mentioned that Klaus was the main threat so what the hell did he do" I say and let out a sigh and shut my eyes, processing what he could do to either of them. If that bastard even touched a hair on their head, I'm gonna have his head on a stick and mail it to Elijah. Even though I can't really cause I'm weak since I'm just human but same thing whatever.

"If he took them I'm coming back and finding this asshole" I say, gripping my phone a little harder. "We're not to sure, we just haven't heard from them and I wanted to double check with you, I can give you more updates if you'd like, just be safe okay?" Caroline says and it confuses me. Since when does she care about me being safe? She never cared to express it before. "Um yeah sure, and yes I'd like updates, I want to make sure their okay and not in the hands of Klaus, just text or call if anything new pops up. Bye Care" I say, she replies saying goodbye as well and I hang up the phone.

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