Chapter 15

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"Where are you going little pup?" Klaus asks the brunette who started to walk out of the door. He just put Rebekah in her coffin, which made Aurelia frown. "School. It's Caroline's birthday, and since she's a vampire now I'm sure she's not going to take it very well" Aurelia says and hears Klaus hum. "Yes.. Caroline right" Klaus asks and Aurelia looks behind her and sees him smiling.

"Nik, do you fancy my sister? You do, don't you?" Aurelia asks with a smug smile on her face. "What? No of course not" Klaus says, looking down. "Oh you so do" Aurelia says and Klaus opens his mouth but nothing comes out. "Talk about fancying sisters, what about you and my sister?" Klaus says and Aurelia raises an eyebrow.

"Fair point. I guess we're both into blondes then" Aurelia smirks. "I didn't think you'd admit to it! But you do!" Klaus says as he points his finger at her. "Don't act like a child. But I like her yes, please don't kill me" Aurelia says quickly afterwards. "I'll think about it" Klaus smirks and Aurelia rolls her eyes before flipping him off and walking out the door. But not before hearing the hybrids over dramatic gasp at her gesture.


When Aurelia arrives at school, she sees Tyler walk away from Caroline after giving her a small black bag, she sees Caroline open it and a bracelet falls out. "Man that bracelet is tacky. He could've at least gotten you a prettier one" Aurelia says as she appears in front of Caroline, who slightly jumps at her surprise appearance.

"What are you doing here?" Caroline asks as she slips the bracelet back into the black bag and putting it in her school bag. "Come on, it's your 18th birthday Care. I wasn't gonna miss it now was I?" Aurelia asks as she wraps her arm around Caroline's shoulder.

"I figured you would to busy plotting something evil with Klaus" Caroline mumbles which makes Aurelia frown. "You're still mad at me for that? Come on" Aurelia says and Caroline doesn't say anything which makes Aurelia sigh. "Let's go back home. I know you don't want to be here and you're clearly upset, so come on. I'll even drive and you can be the little passenger princess and put your feet up on the dashboard, it's not dangerous anymore since you can't die" Aurelia smirks before leading Caroline into the car.

Caroline didn't retaliate when Aurelia snatched her keys and sat in the drivers seat, driving them back home, or to Caroline's home. When Aurelia walked inside the house, Liz wasn't there and was at work like she expected, making her let out a sigh of relief.

Aurelia heard other heartbeats in the house, meaning it was probably their friends trying to surprise Caroline but Caroline hadn't noticed, clearly to busy being upset.

"Surprise!" Elena, Bonnie, and Matt call out as they jump out which makes Caroline jump again. "What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asks and the three of them then look over at Aurelia, glaring slightly. Aurelia smirked at the fact that what she did to Alaric got around quickly as she waved at them with her fingers.

"Why is she here?" Matt asks, still glaring at Aurelia who rolls her eyes while putting her hand down. "You're such an ass, way to ruin the birthday surprise moment. I'm here to spend my sisters birthday with her" Aurelia says with a smug smile. "You mean you're here to get information from us and then get it back to Klaus?" Elena retorts and Aurelia groans.

"God you guys really are paranoid. First of all, I don't work for Klaus. I do what I want and then tell other people to fuck off, including him. Second, if I wanted information, it'd be for me and I'd be threatening you guys. Third, believe what you want. But I'm here for my sister, I don't give a shit about the rest of you, except Bonnie because Bonnie's Bonnie" Aurelia shrugs and sees Bonnie smile before she quickly tries to hide it.

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