Chapter 17

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Aurelia finished getting ready. And when she was finished, she heard a knock on the door and walked out and saw Damon and Stefan walking into the room, their eyes on her.

"Quite staring, lover boys" Aurelia smirks. "Damon. Stefan. Elijah tells me you seek an audience, very bold" Klaus says after realizing they were staring at Aurelia. "Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we? And woman" Klaus adds quickly once he felt Aurelia's glare. "It's better to indulge him" Elijah warns when he walks past the Salvatores, standing next to Aurelia who was standing beside Klaus as well.

Klaus smirks at Elijah's comment, which grows bigger when Stefan starts talking. "I didn't uh, I didn't come here to eat Klaus. In fact, I didn't want to come here at all, but I was told I had too cause you would hear us out" Stefan says, stepping forward towards them. Aurelia smirks once she realizes Klaus will make a comment and soon sits down in a chair. "Hm. Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. Choice is yours" Klaus says, sitting down next to Aurelia on her right side.

Damon gulps before looking at Stefan who just nods his head smugly. Elijah soon sits down next to Aurelia on her left side. Stefan and Damon sit across from them. They all got their food but Aurelia noticed Stefan wasn't eating. "You lost your appetite" Klaus says and Aurelia smirks to herself. "Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home" Damon says and Stefan looks down at his food and clears his throat.

"That's the spirit. Isn't this nice? The five of us dining together? Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?" Klaus says, looking over at Damon, Elijah and Aurelia following his steps. "Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more.. the merrier" Damon says, taking a bite of his food and winking at Elijah, which Aurelia has to hold in her groan of disgust. "I already had to deal with Klefan not even that long ago, now I need to deal with Delijah? Give me a break" Aurelia murmurs the last part which makes Damon and Stefan glare at her but Elijah and Klaus smile at her.

"Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the centuries, but we always make it through" Klaus says, moving forward with their conversation. "Kinda like uh, you and Rebekah right?" Stefan says, making Klaus and Aurelia turn to glare at him. "Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her" Stefan continues. Aurelia takes a bite of her food while glaring at Stefan, getting the urge to throw her fork at his eyes and stab them.

"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah and Aurelia" Klaus says, gesturing to them. "Stefanie didn't you kill your father? I suggest you get rid of your judgey little eyes before I throw my fork at them and pluck them out myself. Your eyes are pretty, but it would be an honor for me to do it. It'd be such a shame, wouldn't it?" Aurelia says, waving her fork around in Stefan's face before smirking as she continues chewing her food. Elijah and Klaus smirk at her, proud of her. She's already grown a lot on Klaus but she's growing on Elijah more and more by the second.

"Might wanna dial down the judgement till dessert if you wanna keep your eyes" Damon mumbles before taking a sip of his drink. "We're here to make a deal Damon, doesn't mean we need to kiss their ass for seven courses" Stefan says, making Aurelia and Klaus smirk as Aurelia cut another piece of her food. "I'm just saying we have a long evening ahead of us, pace yourself" Damon says and Stefan finally shuts up before everyone continues eating.

"Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah asks, finally speaking at the table. "I don't know, ask Damon" Stefan says and Aurelia and Klaus snicker. "I'm sorry, you missed so much. Ah, trouble in paradise" Klaus explains when Elijah makes a confused motion with his hands.

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