Chapter 31

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Aurelia was fighting the urge to not spiral without Rebekah. The only thing that was keeping her from it was that she at least knew the original was safe. Granted it was in a box momentarily dead, but she was safe.

She looked everywhere she could for Rebekah's coffin, hoping to pull the dagger out of her but she had no luck.

She was on her way to the Salvatore house now to meet Stefan. Even though she was still incredibly pissed at him and Klaus, she did agree to help them anyways.

Once she arrived, she walked in without knocking before she called out for Stefan, hearing him walk down the stairs to meet with her.

"Hey" She greeted before walking over and pouring herself a drink. "Hey. So I just talked to Klaus, and he is in Italy digging up the dead hunter and trying to find the sword. Meanwhile, the hunter got free from the chains and killed his hybrid and took his head" Stefan explains, accepting the drink Aurelia made for him as well.

"How wonderful. So I'm assuming this means he's staying in Mystic Falls and still wants to kill any vampires he finds, probably with werewolf venom too, right?" Aurelia asks and sighs when Stefan nods to confirm.

"Well then we need to make sure everyone is protected and doesn't get even a sliver of werewolf venom ingested. Considering Klaus's blood, the cure, is across the world with him" Aurelia points out while Stefan just agrees with her.

"All he said basically was that his tattoo was our only map to the cure so we just need to find the hunter, catch him, and somehow keep him alive" Stefan sums up, taking a drink.

"Then we need to keep Damon in check. You know that if he finds the hunter.." Aurelia starts but doesn't continue as Stefan just slowly nods. "I know, I know. You're right. I just wish I could tell him so that he knew what was going on" Stefan complains.

"Do you really trust him with the cure though? I mean just how badly would he work to get it for Elena to turn her back human when she was all in love with you" Aurelia says, she really wasn't trying to hurt Stefan's feelings but she needed him to at least think about the facts.

"Well no offense, but I trust Damon a hell of a lot more than Klaus. And you, a little" Stefan says and Aurelia just shrugs. "None taken. I trust the Mikaelson's more than you guys so I think we're even"

"Yeah, apparently you're the only one Klaus trusts. Which is why his sister is lying in a box" Stefan says but apologizes soon after, realizing it was obviously a sensitive topic for the brunette.

"Right. Speaking of his sister.. do you know-" Aurelia starts but Stefan cuts her off. "I don't know where he put her. But if I had to guess, I would assume that he took her with him to Italy. Considering he knows you pretty well and knew that you would look for her" Stefan says and Aurelia just slowly nods.

After they stood in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes, both brunettes received a text on their phones. Once they both checked it, they realized they received the same text from Jeremy that read "Hunter at Mystic Grill with hostages. They all die at sundown"

"Well, I think I know where our hunter is now" Aurelia says, smirking at Stefan's eye roll. "He texted Damon and Tyler too. Let's go meet up with them" Stefan says, and Aurelia grabbed her car keys, Stefan following.


Stefan and Aurelia drove to the Lockwood house before they stepped inside, hearing Damon's voice.

"So we each take a different entrance, hit him at the same time" Damon says as Stefan and Aurelia walked into the same room, meeting with Damon, Tyler, and Elena.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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