Chapter 27

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Author's note: This chapter is going to mostly be fluff and cuteness between Rebekah and Aurelia, so if you have gotten sick of it and think it's too much then probably just don't read because there's almost no plot in this chapter soo yeah.

Rebekah was clinging to Aurelia quite a bit, she never wanted to be away from her or even let her out of her eyesight. So it was quite difficult when Aurelia tried to leave to help Tyler since someone attacked him.

"Bekah I have to go help him, Care's worried and I have to be there for her too" Aurelia says, trying to get out of Rebekah's grip but failing. "You really can't stay?" Rebekah mumbles, cuddling into Aurelia. "Bekah, I love you. I do, and this is very cute but I have to go. I promise that I'll come back as soon as I can, deal?" Aurelia says, giving up on struggling and facing Rebekah instead.

"Somebody attacked Tyler, meaning they know about the supernatural. This is simply dangerous and I won't lose you again" Rebekah says, letting go of Aurelia but sitting up to face her. "Rebekah I know what I'm getting into, I'll take care of myself. I've done it for many years now, even when I was much weaker and human against multiple grown men. I'll be fine. I will leave and come back to you later, understood?" Aurelia says, making Rebekah sigh and nod.

"Good girl" Aurelia says, kissing her on the cheek before getting up, making Rebekah blush but she tries to hide it, but Aurelia still notices. Aurelia just smirks at her as she gets ready.


Aurelia was at the Salvatore house, helping Stefan pick out the wooden bullets from Tyler's chest. "Of course your dumbass gets shot multiple times" Aurelia mumbles, picking out the last wooden bullet, making Tyler relax into the couch.

"Please tell me that's the last one" Caroline sighs. "These were specially carved. The length, the width. If you were a normal vampire then you'd be dead" Aurelia says, ignoring Caroline as she closely looks at the bloody bullet and notices a carving on it.

"This guy knew what he was doing, his gloves must have been steeped in vervain. He was looking for a vampire and he didn't hesitate for a second when he found one" Tyler explains, making Aurelia sigh as she shows the bullet to Stefan.

"These etchings.." Stefan trails off, burning his hand when he touches the bullet. "Are the bullets spelled?" Caroline asks, stepping forward. "I don't know. They're something" Stefan says, both him and Aurelia looking closely at the bullet.

"Well, I'm gonna get back to my girl. You guys have fun" Aurelia says, standing up. "You're really leaving? There's a guy out that can kill any vampire, he's skilled Aurelia. Are you sure you wanna leave right now?" Caroline asks, letting her arms fall next to her sides.

"Uh.. duh. Care, Rebekah thought I died. She's kinda traumatized, she's been spacing out and I feel terrible. I'm spending as much time with her as I possibly can so she hopefully feels somewhat at peace. After all, the safest place I can be is next to her, which is a win win because that's the only place I want to be" Aurelia says, Caroline nodding at her.

"Text or call me if you have more information on this asshole" Aurelia says and she's about to walk away when Stefan calls out to her. "Aurelia I understand Rebekah needs you but we could really use your help with this guy" Stefan pleads, making Aurelia sigh.

"Fine. But I'm only helping for a little bit and I'm leaving as soon as possible. I'm not spending the whole day with you guys. Plus, aren't you going to the funeral for the stupid council members?" Aurelia questions, making Caroline slap her arm. "Lia they're dead!" Caroline exclaims. "Right, sorry" Aurelia starts, making Caroline smile at her. "The funeral for the stupid dead council members" Aurelia finishes, making Caroline roll her eyes at her and Tyler to snicker.

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