Chapter 16

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Aurelia went out with Caroline and they spent time together, catching up and telling each other everything. Aurelia told her all about how she was adopted and had a werewolf gene and about her real pack.

Aurelia and Caroline came back home and when they turned the corner, Tyler was sitting down. Caroline stopped in her tracks when Aurelia crossed her arms, glaring at Tyler. "What the hell are you doing here?" Aurelia asked once Tyler stood up. "I came to apologize" Tyler says and Aurelia and Caroline both scoff at him.

"Apologize? You bit me. I could've died. I think we're way past apologies Tyler" Caroline finally speaks up. "That's the problem. Klaus told me to do it and I said no, and then it just happened anyway. Like it was completely out of my control" Tyler says and Aurelia rolls her eyes. "Because you're sired to him, duh. You will do anything that your master says because you serve him and feel like you owe him. Even if you don't want to do it" Aurelia says, scoffing.

"That's why I had your mom call him" Tyler says and Aurelia's "father" walks into the room, making his appearance. Aurelia immediately tensed up and shifted uncomfortably when she saw him. Bill's gaze had a cold look when he was looking at Aurelia, who was stunned out of her words and just froze. "Daddy?" Caroline says, pulling Aurelia out of her thoughts but not moving.

"Hi Caroline. Aurelia" Bill says, giving Caroline a small smile but it drops when he looks at Aurelia, who decided to not show that he's getting to her just by standing there and she stood her ground firm, glaring at him. "Why the hell is he here?" Aurelia asked, still glaring at Bill. "I thought since he could resist compulsion, maybe he could teach me to resist a sire bond" Tyler answers, and not long after Aurelia doesn't hesitate to vamp speed Bill against the wall, holding her hand on his throat, not choking yet but still adding force.

"Lia.." Caroline trials off. But Aurelia keeps glaring at him, his expression doesn't change but on the inside he was surprised to find out she was also a vampire. "So you're one of them too? Just when I thought you couldn't be any more of a disgrace." Bill spits out and Aurelia adds some force to him. "And can you? Help him?" Aurelia seethes through her teeth, ignoring his previous comment. "I'm gonna try" He says, looking over at Caroline.

"Why?" Aurelia questions, adding more pressure. Angry at the fact that he wants to help some random kid he barely knows but not even someone who was once under his care, even when she was just a helpless child. "Because he made a mistake, and now he wants to make good. And I understand that" Bill explains which just enrages Aurelia more. "And yet I was never enough for you. I was a child who wanted to do good, but it's because of you that I don't. This is your fault and I hope you blame yourself and it eats you from the inside out. And if you don't blame yourself for me, then I hope you blame yourself for Caroline because it's your fault she's a vampire now" Aurelia says, letting go of him and walking out of the house, trying to stop the tears from falling.

She knew it wasn't really his fault that Caroline was a vampire, but she also figured he wouldn't care about her so she had to guilt trip him with something else.

She checked her phone and saw she had a voicemail from Klaus, she didn't even acknowledge his call beforehand but she listened to the voicemail and he said to meet her at the Salvatore house and tell Stefan to give back the coffins. Aurelia just put her phone away and left to the Salvatore house.


When she arrived at the Salvatore house, Klaus was waiting outside for her. "About ti- what's wrong love?" Klaus asks as he turns to her and sees her face red from crying a little. "Daddy issues. Guess we're twinsies now" Aurelia says giving him a small smirk before walking past him and walking into the house. "Very funny" She hears him mumble as he walks in.

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