Chapter 5

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I just went home. It was starting to get late anyways so I'm sure that Gloria didn't even do anything and Klaus and Stefan were only still there to wait for me and Rebekah. Klaus just compelled the four of us a pretty big house in Chicago, figuring that we would stay here for a while. I wanted to be alone, and good thing that it's a big enough house that everyone has enough of their own space. I immediately went home, not wanting to hear another word from Klaus. Luckily I got there and the house was empty. I immediately pulled out bourbon and other strong alcohol, trying to ease my pain away.

As soon as I was a few drinks and shots in, I decided to call Caroline. My foot tapped anxiously as the phone rang, waiting for Caroline to answer. But I could barely find myself able to speak once I heard her voice.

"Did you know?" I ask, and I hear silence for a moment on the other end until she speaks up. "Know what? Lia what are you talki-" Caroline says confused before I cut her off. "Did you know that I was adopted?" I say quickly and once again, I hear silence but no words follow. Just silence. "Are you fucking kidding me? Is this why you never treated me as your sister?! Because I'm really not?" I say as my voice cracks.

"Lia lis-" Caroline starts but I cut her off by hanging up the phone. I throw my phone at the wall. I still have anger left over and I see a vase and throw it at the wall as well as I watch it break. My knees give out and I just fall to ground and rest my back against the table, and tuck my knees in against my chest and hug them as tears start to flow down my face.

I take the big bottle of bourbon and take sip after sip until I can feel my soberness being washed away by the alcohol I'm consuming. I then hear the door open, meaning someone came home, which meant bad news for me. "Aurelia! Aurelia where are y-" I hear an accent say but stops once they are behind me and see me. I don't even care to turn my head around to see who it is, I already know who it is by the voice.

Just then, Rebekah comes and crouches down in front of me after walking around the couch.

"What happened love?" Rebekah says in a soft and quiet voice. "Oh please, I'm sure you were listening to me and Klaus talking" I say as I take another sip of bourbon but Rebekah just carefully takes it from my hands before she looks down for a moment. "I'm sorry" She says and looks at me with a soft look with sympathy in her eyes. I just sniffle and get up and try to walk but my body just can't seem to hold me up, whether it's from the alcohol or the emptiness in me or both. Once I tried to walk I immediately almost fell but then Rebekah vamp speeded in front of me and caught me.

"Just sleep love, you're tired and drunk" Rebekah says with a small laugh as she puts me down laying flat on the couch gently. I don't even have the energy to fight her so I just snuggle up into the pillows as Rebekah sits next to me. "Did Gloria do any witchy woo woo shit with your lost necklace" I say, trying not to slur my words. "No, it was late so we're gonna do it tomorrow instead" Rebekah says as she looks over at me.

"Why are you being nice? You hate me" I say but it's a little muffled from the pillow but she's still able to hear me. "Because, despite the fact I hate you, I won't just sit back and watch you suffer. I've suffered for a thousand years, no one should have to go through that" She says and me and her make eye contact. "I'm sorry" I say as another tear falls down my cheek as I randomly get emotional, probably from the alcohol. "It's alright, it's not your fault" Rebekah says as she wipes away my tear that fell. "You should probably get some sleep love" Rebekah says as she starts to get up but stops once I say something.

"I called Caroline. She knew. She knew I was adopted. I don't know if she knows that I'm really from a doggie pack or not but she knew. And she never told me. Explains why she never treated me like her sister" I say, looking into nothing. "I don't think she deserves you as a sister, or even as a person. You're far too good for her" Rebekah says as she sits back down and whispers the last part of her sentence. "Thank you" I mumble as I start to drift off to sleep.

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