Chapter 26

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Rebekah had finally gotten the strength to get up and go find Elijah, appearing behind him with tears still in her eyes as Elijah looked at her. "He's gone, Elijah. There was nothing I could do to stop it" Rebekah says, Elijah with tears in his eyes as well, pulling Rebekah into a hug. "She's gone, Elijah. She's gone and I don't know what to do without her" Rebekah cries, Elijah holding her head and hugging her tighter.

"It'll be alright Rebekah. Tyler Lockwood is dead, but the rest survived. You said that Niklaus turned their bloodline" Elijah says, pulling away from the hug. "I thought he did" Rebekah shakes her head. "It wasn't me, it wasn't Kol" Elijah says, his eyes darting everywhere, trying to think. "It wasn't me Elijah. It was Niklaus I'm sure of it" Rebekah says, trying to keep her composure. "Then how are they still alive? If they are still alive then Aurelia must be. Did you see her die?" Elijah asks, holding his sisters arms. "N-no she left after she said her goodbye.." Rebekah says, looking down.

"She could be alive, Rebekah" Elijah says, a small smile on his face. "Then why wouldn't she come find me? N-no she's dead Elijah! She's dead and she's gone forever! I'll never see her again" Rebekah shouts before whispering the last part, finally realizing that she wouldn't ever see the love of her life again. Or so she thought.

"Rebekah why are you believing this? There's a chance she could still be alive if the others are" Elijah says. Rebekah rips her arms away from him, taking a step back. "I-I don't know" Rebekah says, standing there for a moment. "I spoke to Elena, she'll be arriving into town shortly" Elijah says, breaking the silence. Rebekah thinks for a moment before she vamp speeds away and onto Wickery bridge, calling Stefan as she waited for Elena and Matt to drive onto the bridge. "Hello?" Stefan asked, answering the phone. "You're alive, congratulations" Rebekah says, momentarily stopping the vulnerability that was in her voice previously. "Rebekah" Stefan states, recognizing her voice.

"Elijah spoke to Elena, her and Matt should be arriving back in town any minute" Rebekah says, starting to pace the bridge. "Yeah he told me that, he also said you two would be long gone out of town by now" Stefan says, continuing to walk. "That's the problem. Elijah says that we have to run and that the hunter will keep coming after us but I don't want to run anymore Stefan. I've spent my whole life running" Rebekah says, stopping her pacing.

"What are you talking about? We had a deal" Stefan says, coming to a stop. "I'm sorry, but Klaus is dead. There is no deal. If my brothers and I are going to survive, we need to get rid of Alaric. And since the girl I'm in love with isn't here to keep me sane anymore.. the only way to get rid of Alaric..." Rebekah starts, seeing the truck start to approach her. "Rebekah no" Stefan says but Rebekah hangs up straight afterwards.

Rebekah hid for a moment, before vamp speeding in front of the truck, hearing Elena scream at Matt to look out before he swerves the truck, going into the water. Rebekah quickly leaves afterwards and tries to sleep that night, but not being very successful without Aurelia in her arms or feeling the hybrid's arms wrapped around her.


Rebekah could barely sleep at all that night, she eventually fell asleep after hours of trying, but she had only slept for an hour and she had a nightmare during it.

"I have to go aimer.. I won't let you watch me die. I love you, okay?" Aurelia says, pulling away from her and Rebekah's hug. "No no no please. Please don't" Rebekah sobs, holding onto Aurelia's hand to stop her from walking away. "Okay, okay. I won't, I'm here Bekah" Aurelia says, holding Rebekah tightly. "Don't leave me" Rebekah whispers as they both sit down on the ground against a tree, embracing each other. Not long afterwards, Aurelia starts coughing, it gets worse and worse each time. "Aurelia? Love?" Rebekah sits up, whereas Aurelia leans forward, her coughing not stopping. "Hey come on. It's gonna be okay, love. Alright? It's gonna be fine. You'll be okay" Rebekah says, her voice cracking as tears form in her eyes again. She says it mostly for herself but also trying to calm Aurelia in any way. Rebekah grabs Aurelia and pulls her towards her, laying her body across Rebekah's lap, looking down at her while stroking her hair. "Bekah" Aurelia breathes out, tears slipping down the side of her face, feeling herself lose consciousness. "I know, love. It'll be okay" Rebekah sniffles, holding back her breath to try to not cry more as Aurelia's body desiccates, indicating that she's dead. "I love you" Rebekah whispers, closing Aurelia's eyes with her hand, closing her own after as another tear slips down her cheek.

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