Chapter 11

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By the time Caroline and Aurelia got back to the Salvatore house, Aurelia was mostly healed but she was still bloody and still felt weak. Rebekah had finally come back home. She was sitting on a chair but she quickly looked over when she heard the door open and heard footsteps stumbling.

Aurelia groaned when she saw that Rebekah was back but Caroline assumed that it was because she was in pain. "Just sit and I'll get you a blood bag" Caroline says, not realizing Rebekah was in the room yet. "What happened?" Rebekah asked as she quickly stood up and walked over to the couch that Aurelia flopped on when Caroline dropped her.

"You randomly left without telling anyone, don't act like you care" Aurelia says as she groans and holds her stomach in pain, curling into a little ball on the couch. "This doesn't make sense.. you should've mostly healed by now" Caroline says before Rebekah could respond to Aurelia's comment.

"She did mostly heal, but she needs blood to heal this gash on her stomach quicker" Rebekah says, observing Aurelia's wounds. Rebekah slightly lifted up Aurelia's shirt, seeing the gash before Aurelia slapped her hand away, not wanting either of the blondes to see it.

Rebekah quickly vamp sped down onto the basement and was back in two seconds with two blood bags, handing one to Aurelia. Aurelia quickly ripped it open and drank the whole thing, letting all of her wounds heal. Rebekah handed the second one gently to Aurelia and this time Aurelia opened it and drank slowly from it, now being fully healed.

"What about you Care? Any wounds?" Aurelia says, trailing her eyes down Caroline's body to look for any visible wounds. "No I didn't get busted up as much as you did.." Caroline says, feeling guilty that Aurelia had gotten hurt because she protected her. "What happened with you two?" Rebekah questioned, looking mostly at Aurelia who wouldn't meet her gaze.

"Nothing." Aurelia says quickly before Caroline could say anything. Caroline just shot Aurelia a confused look before deciding to stand up. "Okay well I'm heading home Lia, I'll see you tomorrow. And thanks again" Caroline says with a smile which Aurelia returns.

"Of course Care, goodnight" Aurelia says and Caroline then walks out the house. Aurelia stood up and tried to walk past Rebekah to go to her room but Rebekah grabbed her arm gently, stopping her right beside her. "Tell me who hurt you." Rebekah says lowly into Aurelia's ear.

"Nobody" Aurelia says quickly, not wanting to deal with this at the moment. "Oh so you just did that to yourself then? Or Caroline did? Tell me who did it. I'll give them the most unimaginable painful death to ever exist. Who hurt you?" Rebekah asks softly at the last part, letting go of Aurelia's arm.

"There was some ghost drama where ghosts came back and shit and then me and Caroline fought some ghost vampires and I killed most of them but now they're all gone. Happy?" Aurelia says before starting to walk away again.

"You don't mean nothing to me" Rebekah says which makes Aurelia stop walking, still leaving her back towards Rebekah. "I lied. I lied to Stefan when I said that, but I never meant for it to come out that way. And I was only trying to get under Caroline's skin but I've never compelled you either, never even tried" Rebekah says and Aurelia slowly turns around at her. "I know, I know you never compelled me. I figured that out once you didn't know I even stopped taking vervain" Aurelia says with a small shrug.

"And I never meant to make a big fuss over being nothing to you. I shouldn't mean anything. You are only around me because Klaus needs me alive, that's it. I know that. I don't know why I made it a big deal, probably because I was still dealing with my heightened emotions but I learned to control it" Aurelia says, looking back at Rebekah. Rebekah opened her mouth to tell her that she wasn't just around her to protect her, that she actually wanted to. But she couldn't find the words to say it and closed her mouth, disappointing herself that she couldn't tell the truth after lying.

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