Chapter 9

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The next morning, Rebekah had woken up before Aurelia and wanted to join the cheer team, so she went and got ready. Aurelia woke up not long afterwards and looked around the room, quickly remembering last night. Aurelia just got ready herself and walked downstairs, not really caring about anyone at the moment. She saw Rebekah about to walk out the door in her short shorts and Aurelia couldn't take her eyes off of her as Rebekah was grabbing her keys. "You're staring, love" Rebekah says, breaking Aurelia out of her staring as she turned around and smirked at her.

"Where are you going?" Aurelia questions after rolling her eyes at Rebekah's comment. "Looks like the cheerleading squad has an opening, I'd like to join. Drive me to school will you?" Rebekah asks, batting her eyelashes and Aurelia just groans. "Weren't you just about to leave and drive yourself?" Aurelia asks, pouring herself a bourbon and Rebekah furrows her eyebrows at her. "I believe that's underage drinking, darling" Rebekah says, pointing to the glass. "Well at this point you're doing overage drinking so I think we're even" Aurelia says with a smirk as she takes a sip and Rebekah just glares at her.

"Plus, why would I drive myself when I have you to drive me? And I told you so about last night, and I came to pick you up, it's only fair" Rebekah says as a smirk forms on her face and Aurelia just rolls her eyes as she puts down her drink and grabs the keys out of Rebekah's hands, walking past her.

"I should've just stayed in my room" Aurelia mumbles as she walks out the door, Rebekah following closely behind.


Aurelia drove Rebekah to the school after waiting another 5 minutes for her to get in the car. "Stay and watch the practice?" Rebekah asks as I pull into the school and I just groan at her. "I drove you to school, isn't that enough?" Aurelia asks as she looks over at Rebekah with still one hand on the bottom of the steering wheel.

"I did also stay with you last night" Rebekah says with a smirk and Aurelia just rolls her eyes and pulls into a parking spot. "Remind me not to ask you to help me if it comes with favors" Aurelia mumbles as she closes her door, Rebekah closing hers not long after. Rebekah just hums as another smirk forms on her face as we walk over to the field where the football boys are running and the cheerleading squad is stretching.

Aurelia just walks up to the bleachers without saying anything else to Rebekah and just goes on her phone until she hears Rebekah's voice talking to another one. Aurelia decides not to look up from her phone and just continues listening.

"Sounds like you have an opening on the squad" I hear Rebekah say as I then hear Caroline's voice. "What are you doing?" Caroline asks, Aurelia looks up for a quick second and sees Rebekah stretch out her arms before bending down and stretching out her arms and a little bit of her legs. "Hey, hey" Caroline says, grabbing Rebekah's attention and she just leans back up, looking at Caroline.

"You can't just come here and infiltrate all of our lives. Especially Aurelia, leave her alone" Caroline says and Aurelia just looks back down at her phone at the mention of her name, feeling Rebekah look over at her. Caroline soon follows Rebekah's gaze as her eyes lands on her sister on the bleachers. "Seriously? Of course as soon as I tell you, you're already having her do your bidding for you" Caroline says, glaring at Rebekah who turns back and looks at Caroline, allowing Aurelia to let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when she felt Rebekah looking at her.

"I'm only interested in your life, and your sisters. But I've been in her life for months now" Rebekah says, clearly trying to get under Caroline's skin and it was working. But also ignoring her last comment which made Aurelia furrow her eyebrows, what if Rebekah was using her and compelling her to forget? The vervain she took as a human was clearly out of her system but she hasn't taken any since she's become a vampire, meaning she was able to be compelled. Caroline didn't respond but a coach called out to them, making Rebekah walk away from Caroline and Aurelia quickly ran down to her as Caroline walked over to Tyler, who just compelled his coach.

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