Chapter 24

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After Rebekah and Caroline sat for a while, Caroline left and went to Tyler, Rebekah left as well and went to Klaus, who was taunting Stefan and Damon outside about Elena. He was talking about their bond and if it would break, even just a little when Elena has to make her choice. "Oh don't be an arse Nik. Elena brought the Salvatore's together again, of course it will break, at least a little bit when she makes her choice" Rebekah smirks, standing next to Klaus.

Klaus just smirks at her words, which made Stefan and Damon silent. "It's done, Esther's not fighting me anymore. The boundary spell is broken" Bonnie says, walking out of the school and towards them. Klaus tests it buy pushing his arm through, a smug smile appearing on his face when he sees it's able to go through. "Ready to see your girl again? Your actual girl?" Klaus smirks, turning to Rebekah. "Can't wait" Rebekah smiles as they both vamp speed away from the school.

Klaus and Rebekah sped to the land where Klaus killed Esther, knowing she'd be there. When they got there, they saw Elena, Alaric, Jeremy, and Matt outside. "Well, there's mother" Klaus mumbles, walking up to see Esther on the ground. "Where's Aurelia" Rebekah seethes, vamp speeding in front of Alaric and grabbing his collar, holding him in the air. "I-I don't know. I don't r-remember" Alaric grunts out.

Rebekah realizes that it wasn't his alter ego and that he couldn't remember anything that happened. She let out a sigh as she put him down, and walked inside the cemetery. She looked over and saw Aurelia's desiccated body in the corner, letting out a gasp at the sight but not seeing the stake in her heart yet. "Nik!" Rebekah cried out, making Klaus immediately vamp speed inside, seeing what Rebekah saw. Rebekah ran over, not wanting to let her tears fall yet and letting herself drop beside Aurelia's body.

Rebekah let out a sigh of relief when she saw the stake, which meant that Aurelia wasn't dead dead. "Oh thank god" Rebekah mumbles, pulling the stake out of Aurelia and tossing it to the side, pulling her body up and sitting behind her against the wall, leaning on it. As Rebekah leaned on the wall, she put Aurelia's body between her legs and wrapped her arms around her, resting her chin on the top of the hybrid's head and kissing it, hoping for her to wake up sooner rather than later.

Klaus also let out a quiet sigh of relief when he realized his best friend was going to be okay, smiling afterwards. "I'll take mothers body. I'll see you at home, sister" Klaus smiles, walking out when Rebekah gave him a nod. "I guess I should get you home, love. I'd much rather have you wake up at home than in a cemetery where it sounds like Alaric is going to die after mother failed to make him a weapon" Rebekah mumbles, kissing the top of Aurelia's head again as she would listen to Alaric saying his goodbyes.

Rebekah didn't care to hear anymore of it and grabbed Aurelia's body and vamp sped back home, seeing Klaus close the coffin with Esther's body in it. "She still hasn't woken up yet?" Klaus asks, starting to get a little worried now. "Not yet" Rebekah says, setting the brunette down on the couch and going back to the position they were previously in while in the cemetery, Aurelia between Rebekah's legs while she would kiss her head.

After a little longer, Aurelia's skin started to undesiccate and she opened her eyes, taking a small gasp of air. "Aurelia? Oh my god, are you alright? You can breathe right, love?" Rebekah asks immediately, getting up and sitting by Aurelia's side so she could see her face. "Bekah? Oh my god, Esther! S-she did this like weird mind thingy and I don't know it was really fucking creepy and witchy and confusing and-" Aurelia starts but Rebekah laughs at her. "What? What! No laughing! This isn't funny!" Aurelia protests, seeing Rebekah's smile grow wider at seeing the hybrid back.

"It's a little funny, but I know, love. Esther took over your body the day that she came back and when we saw her. God I missed you so much, my love" Rebekah says, pulling Aurelia into a hug. "Wait how long did she take over my body?" Aurelia asked after a moment of holding the blonde tightly. "Only about a day, I'll tell you everything that's happened since and what she did while she was in your body. However, when she got her body back, she staked yours before transferring herself to her normal body. You were in a cemetery thing and god Aurelia, I saw your body but didn't notice the stake and thought you actually died. You have no idea how terrified I was, thinking that I lost you. I love you so much" Rebekah says, her eyes starting to tear up again at the memory.

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