Chapter 19

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Rebekah woke up and turned over and saw Aurelia's bare back facing her. A smile crept on her face as she wrapped her arms around Aurelia's waist and pulled her back towards Rebekah's front. Rebekah left soft kisses on Aurelia's neck, making her stir awake.

"Good morning my lovely" Rebekah murmured, resting her nose in the crook of Aurelia's neck. Aurelia just hummed as her hand trailed over Rebekah's arm that was wrapped around her waist, caressing it softly while keeping her eyes closed, letting out a content sigh.

"You know I have to leave right?" Rebekah says and Aurelia groans, turning around and facing Rebekah with her eyes trying to stay open. "Why? Why would you say that after we were having such a nice moment?" Aurelia laughs with her voice being raspy and Rebekah smiles at her, one of her hands moving from her waist to Aurelia's face as she tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Sorry love, but if I don't get home then my family is probably going to bust down through these doors" Rebekah says and Aurelia opens her eyes fully. "Well to be fair, they can't get it. But they'll probably kill Lucine" Aurelia mumbles and Rebekah hums.

"Why don't you come with me?" Rebekah says and Aurelia raises an eyebrow at her. "Your mother will probably be there. I hate meeting new people, I hate people in general. Plus I'm nervous" Aurelia says, playing with the ends of Rebekah's blonde hair. "Why are you nervous?" Rebekah asks, letting her hand rest on the side of Aurelia's face. "Because.. she's your mother. Who's also the original witch" Aurelia says, saying it like it was so simple. "Yes, but you can come with me if you'd like. It's your choice" Rebekah says and guilt starts to flood Aurelia.

"It's not that I don't want to meet her Bekah, or that I don't want to be with you or your family of course. It's just a little scary, that's all" Aurelia assures and Rebekah smiles at her. "Plus, I don't think Finn likes me very much, I actually want your family to like me" Aurelia says with a smug smile. "Since when does Aurelia Forbes care about whether people like her or not?" Rebekah asks smugly.

"I don't. Except when it comes to you and your big ass family" Aurelia smirks and Rebekah smiles before scooting closer to the brunette and having her head rest under Aurelia's, burying herself into her neck. Aurelia smiled as she rested her head on top of Rebekah's and one of her arms was under Rebekah and the other one was on top of her, playing with her blonde ends and stroking her hair from time to time, also leaving kisses on top of the originals head. Rebekah hands were wrapped around Aurelia's waist while their legs tangled with each others.

A few minutes had passed and the two of them were just listening to each others hearts and breathing. "Okay I should really go now" Rebekah mumbles, pulling away from Aurelia's neck and sitting up. "Fine. Wait" Aurelia says, using one hand to grab Rebekah's face to turn her head around and kiss her. "Now you can leave" Aurelia whispers after pulling away after a moment. "I'll see you later, my lovely" Rebekah smiles before getting up and putting her dress back on.

"Bye Bekah" Aurelia smiles once Rebekah returns it and leaves and Aurelia hears her leave the house.


Rebekah had went back to the mansion and walked in when she heard Kol's voice. "Well well well, there's our girl" Kol says as Rebekah walks back in. Rebekah just ignores him and tries to walk past him but he keeps moving in front of her. "Get out of my way Kol" Rebekah says, glaring at him. "Out all night, what a scandal" Kol says, amused by the situation.

"I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?" Kol says, Rebekah still trying to get past him. "If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth. But for your information I would never get with Matt" Rebekah says, shoving him out of the way. "Ah so the gorgeous Aurelia then hm? Did she treat you well? Did you treat her well? Tell me" Kol says, smiling like a little kid. Rebekah rolls her eyes but a small smile comes on her face, thinking of Aurelia.

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