Chapter 4

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I then realized that Stefan wasn't with Klaus when he walked in looking for Rebekah. "Well I understand that you're upset with me Rebekah. So I'm gonna let that go, just this once" Klaus says, referring to Rebekah stabbing him with the dagger. "Brought you a little peace offering" Klaus says as he looks towards the door. "You can come in" Klaus says. "Hey where's-" I start before I see Stefan walk in. "Oh there he is" I say and I see Rebekah looking at Stefan as she calls out his name.

Klaus then walks over to Stefan and puts his hand on his shoulder. "Now, you remember" Klaus says as he compels Stefan. Stefan closes his eyes for a moment and once he opens them, he looks at Rebekah differently, like he actually knows her now. He calls out her name as she smiles at him as he walks closer to her. "Stefan" Klaus says and Stefan turns around and I can see him look at him with much less hate in his eyes.

"I remember you. We were friends" Stefan says with a small smile on his face. "We are friends" Klaus says, quickly correcting him. "And now the reason you're here" Klaus says as he walks over to Rebekah. "Gloria tells me, you know how to contact the original witch" Klaus says and Rebekah just looks at him weirdly. "The original witch?" She says sarcastically at him. "What do you have that Gloria needs?" Klaus says and Rebekah puts her hand up to her chest with a tiny smile but it then fades quickly as she doesn't feel whatever she needs on her neck.

"Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off" Rebekah says as she looks down at her neck and I can feel Stefan's demeanor change beside me. "I don't know, I didn't touch it" Klaus says. "We need to find it Nik, I want it back" Rebekah says as Klaus's voice starts to raise. "Tell me that's not what she needs Rebekah!" Klaus says as he puts his hands on her shoulders and she pushes him off and starts to look through the coffin that she was asleep in for 90 years.

Rebekah can't seem to find it and she slams her coffin shut and throws it in frustration. I flinch a bit at the loud unexpected noise and stand next to Stefan. "So are you telling me that we only brought her back for one reason and she doesn't even have the thing we need? Spectacular" I say and someone vamp speeds me against the wall and once I open my eyes I see it's Rebekah again. "You just have such a smart mouth don't you?" Rebekah says as she applies a bit of force to my throat. "Go ahead, kill me. Then afterwards Klaus can tell you how many times I've had a smart mouth with him for the past 2-3 months" I manage to get out as I start to lose my breath. "Rebekah" Klaus says as he takes a step forward. After another moment passes she lets go of me and I fall to the ground and get as much air in my lungs as I can.

Rebekah just walks away from me and I smirk to myself as I stand up. "Nik I need new clothes. Let's go shopping, maybe the human can help me" Rebekah says and I just roll my eyes at her. "Yeah we'll see if I feel like helping you" I say with a smug smile and Rebekah glares at me. "Your glare isn't gonna scare me into helping you" I say as I cross my arms and she just rolls her eyes at me. Klaus and Stefan walk away, probably to get the car since we unfortunately have to go shopping for Rebekah

"You're insufferable" Rebekah says firmly once they walk away and I just shrug my shoulders. "I've been called a lot worse, so you're gonna have to think of something better darling" I say and I can see Rebekah slightly blush before she makes a disgusted noise. I just smirk and then Klaus and Stefan bring the car around and I get in my spot, the passenger seat and of course Rebekah sits in the back with Stefan. "She couldn't go sit in the trunk?" I say sarcastically once Rebekah sits in the back behind my seat. Rebekah kicks my seat pretty hard but I don't say anything, refusing to give her any satisfaction and Klaus just laughs at our antics.


A women started pouring Klaus another glass of champagne and then moved on to me and did the same. I quickly downed it. Klaus notices and looks over at me. "What's up with you" He asks as the women refills my glass. "I'm a human who's stuck with two originals and a vampire who's off the rails and I miss my family. What do you think Klaus" I say once the women had walked away from us.

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