Chapter 7

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Authors note: I'm going to try and write this chapter in 3rd person, getting everyone's point of views in it and at the end of the chapter you guys can let me know if you guys liked it or not.

Aurelia and Rebekah walked back over to the gym in a comfortable silence. Once they walked back into the gym, everyone was still in there and Tyler was still dead on the floor, well temporarily. But nobody seemed to notice their presence except for Klaus, who called Rebekah over to the bleachers.

"He killed him" Matt says, while he's next to Tyler's body. "Well yes, I'd assume that if you snap a werewolf's neck they'd die. But Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire hybrid so he's not dead... yet" Aurelia says with a small smirk on her face, announcing her presence. "What just happened to the Aurelia 5 minutes ago who was saying we were her friends, when you didn't want Tyler to die because you loved him remember?" Matt says, standing up and facing the girl. "I got some sense talked into me and I thought about it while walking back here and realized that, that was my old life. Before I left and then I started a new life in North Carolina which kind of got ruined by an evil hybrid wolf puppy murderer" Aurelia says, looking in Klaus's direction and he just gives her a half smirk and half glare.

"And yeah I loved Tyler, past tense Matty, go back to first grade. So fuck off and stop talking to me as if you know me better than I know myself" The brunette says with her arms crossed and the two originals on the bleachers couldn't help but smirk and be proud of her, especially Rebekah, since the girl had opened up to the blonde in the hallway she was even more proud than Klaus, not that she would ever admit it to anyone of course. "Well if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on then, go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold onto Elena for safe keeping" Klaus says as he walks back to the rest of the group, Rebekah following shortly behind.

"Nice speech sweetheart, you remind me of myself in a way" Klaus says, eyeing Aurelia and she just rolled her eyes, keeping her arms crossed. Elena gave Bonnie a nod, indicating for her to go and find a solution for Tyler. Bonnie started to walk away with Matt following behind her and Aurelia just waved goodbye at them and Bonnie just ignored her but Matt rolled his eyes as they left the gym.

"So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier" Rebekah says, inspecting Elena closely. "Well the original one is the original, usually the best one" Aurelia says with a smirk on her face, eyeing Elena. "Well I take that as a compliment, thank you love" Rebekah says, smirking at Aurelia and the brunettes smirk fades and she simply rolls her eyes. The blonde's smirk grows wider at the fact that she got to the brunette. "Alright enough. Rebekah, Aurelia, take the wolf boy elsewhere would you?" Klaus says and Aurelia groans. "Why do you always have to stick me with her? What, can't risk being alone with me?" Aurelia lowers her voice, speaking to Klaus who rolls his eyes and the girl smirks at him. "Okay enough, let's go" Rebekah says, not wanting to see her brother with Aurelia. "No need to be jealous now Bekah" Aurelia says, with the nickname rolling off her tongue easily and following behind the blonde shortly as Rebekah drags Tyler by his hand.

Rebekah doesn't respond to that and continues dragging the wolf down the hallway. They end up returning to where Caroline is also temporarily dead and Rebekah just drops Tyler near Caroline. She then goes into Caroline's jacket and steals her phone. Aurelia just scoffs at her as the blonde sits against the wall and Aurelia just sits next to her, watching her try to figure out the phone. "These are interesting, I don't like them but I also do" Rebekah says, trying to find things in Caroline's phone and Aurelia just smiles smugly at the sight, amused by it.

Caroline ends up waking up shortly after, rubbing her neck and Rebekah just stares before she decides to speak. "We didn't have mobile telephones in my day, would've made life a whole lot easier I suppose" Rebekah says as she raises the phone and takes a picture of herself, the brunette beside her just chuckles at her antics. "Where's Tyler?" Caroline asks, groaning as she turns over and sees Aurelia. "He's dead, ish" Rebekah says as she looks over at her and Caroline just turns around and see's Tyler's body on the floor next to her. "What did you do to him?" Caroline asks, sitting up next to him. "Think of it as he's having a nap. When he wakes up, he'll be a hybrid" Rebekah says, going back to the phone and Aurelia looks as Caroline tries to hear his heartbeat.

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