Chapter 18

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"Come, my darling. We need to pay a little visit to Elena Gilbert. If you're up for it of course" Rebekah says, dragging Aurelia into the car. "Of course. I may have gotten revenge on Damon and Alaric the second time you got daggered but I saved Elena just for you" Aurelia smirked.

They drove to the hospital, Aurelia heard that Alaric was in there because someone attacked him and now he's in the hospital. "She's in the hospital. I can hear her, she's with Matt. Ew" Aurelia says, hiding behind a bush with Rebekah. "They'll walk out soon enough" Rebekah says, turning her attention to Aurelia, smiling to herself as Aurelia kept watch for the doppelgänger.

"Stop staring Bekah" Aurelia mumbles. "I'm not staring, I'm admiring you" Rebekah says as her hands slip around Aurelia's waist, holding her tightly. "You're staring at me from like the side of my face. It's creepy" Aurelia says, turning to face Rebekah while the blondes arms now just rest on her hips. "Well I'd say it's romantic" Rebekah says, raising her eyebrows before smiling. "Really? Cause I still vote creepy" Aurelia says as one of her hands plays with Rebekah's hair as it rests on her shoulder, smiling at her.

They then hear Elena and Matt walk outside. Matt gets into his car after telling Elena to get home safe. "Who's gonna be the bait?" Aurelia asks, looking over her shoulder and back to Elena. "I will" Rebekah says as she vamp speeds away and behind Elena's car. Elena soon starts her car and reverses and hits Rebekah, causing her to get out of the car.

Rebekah had already gotten up and left, when Elena looked around and eventually turned around, Aurelia and Rebekah appeared in front of her. "Drive much?" Rebekah says, bitterness in her voice. "Aurelia. Rebekah" Elena says before Rebekah grabs her throat and hits her against the car. "Surprised? You drove a dagger through my back Elena, it hurt" Rebekah says and tries to bite Elena but someone rips her off of Elena.

Rebekah wasn't pinned against the car for long before Aurelia quickly pinned the other person against the car, Elijah soon coming into view. "Elijah" Aurelia says, keeping her hand on his throat for a moment. He doesn't do anything to retaliate against her but instead, gives her a small smirk. He admired how Aurelia would've attacked anyone who tried to hurt Rebekah, she grew on him even more so.

Aurelia slowly takes her hand off of Elijah before turning to Rebekah. "Leave" Elijah says, his smirk falling off his face as he faces Rebekah, walking around Aurelia. Rebekah just takes a step closer towards him. "Are you challenging me?" He asks, resting his hands in his pockets. "You're pathetic, both of you" Rebekah says, looking at Elijah and Elena before she vamp speeds away. "L'ijah" Aurelia says, giving him a small nod and Elijah also gives her a nod with a small smile before she vamp speeds away as well, finding Rebekah.

"You alright?" Aurelia asks once she finds the blonde near the street. "Elijah always wants to ruin my plans. But it's fine" Rebekah says, looking to Aurelia and giving her a small smile. "Let's go home, and you can catch me up on everything I've missed" Rebekah says and Aurelia nods before they vamp speed home.

That night, Rebekah and Aurelia stayed up for a while, talking and catching up on everything that has happened, with also a few heated moments here and there but nothing really serious happened. Then they both eventually fell asleep in each others arms.


The next morning, Aurelia woke up and Rebekah was nowhere to be found. She hears a knock on her front door, when she answered it there was no one there but there was a box with an envelope on top of it on the floor, with her name written fancy on the envelope. She brought the box and envelope inside and opened the letter.

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