Chapter 29

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"Have you apologized to Rebekah yet?" Was the first thing Aurelia asked when she answered the phone call she received from Klaus, hearing him let out an exasperated sigh at the repeating question. "No.. but-" He starts. "Apologize." Aurelia says before she hangs up on him.

"Who was that, love?" Rebekah asks, walking into the room after hearing Aurelia on the phone. "Nik. I'm trying to get him to apologize to you. How do you feel?" Aurelia asks, leaning against the countertop as her eyes trail over Rebekah's body, looking for any visible signs that she's not okay.

"Better" Rebekah nods slightly, giving Aurelia a soft reassuring smile. Aurelia hums, not entirely believing her but deciding not to push it.

"I think I'm going to head to the grill. I'll see you later, love" Rebekah says, giving Aurelia a kiss on the cheek while passing by her, not allowing Aurelia to respond before she walks out the door.

Aurelia had debated on calling out to Rebekah but decided against it, deciding to meet up with her in a little bit instead.


Rebekah sat at the bar countertop, deep in thought as she was drinking. She loved Aurelia, no doubt about that. But her hallucination scared her. She might've been fully healed now, but it was still taunting her and creeping around in her mind.

There was one side of Rebekah that told her to stay away from Aurelia, to keep her safe. To love her from a distance, a far one at that.

But there was the other side of Rebekah, that wanted to be with Aurelia all the time, always touching her, always seeing her, and just knowing that she was there. But she didn't know which part she should listen to.

"You're day drinking and deep in thought. And before you ask me how I know, every time you're in deep thought, your eyebrows do this cute little furrow that I find adorable every time. Now spill." Aurelia says, coming up from behind Rebekah and sitting next to her. "What's going on?" Aurelia asks, more softly after Rebekah didn't look at her.

"It's nothing, Lia. And you day drink all the time" Rebekah says, glancing at Aurelia. "Nik is my current drinking buddy and Kol was my old one when he was here. What do you expect?" Aurelia says, making Rebekah tilt her head quickly, realizing her argument was pointless.

"Look nothings wrong. I just want to be alone right now. Can you leave me alone for once?" Rebekah says harshly, turning her head away from Aurelia. Aurelia was taken aback, feeling a small pang in her chest, making her frown.

"What the hell is your problem Rebekah?" Aurelia scoffs. "Maybe it's-" Rebekah starts but immediately cuts herself off, not thinking correctly. But Aurelia was able to guess what was going to come out of her mouth.

"Right. You know, after last night I figured that you would be clingy but right now you're just being cold and harsh." Aurelia says, seeing Rebekah continue to avoid her gaze, but Aurelia just lets out a sigh. "Look Bekah, whatever it is, I'll help you and I'm with you until the end. Let me help you" Aurelia pleads, but Rebekah doesn't say anything.

"Right. Got it." Aurelia says, getting up and storming out of the grill. Rebekah had resisted the large urge to get up and stop her and tell her she's sorry and loves her, but she thought this might be for the better. Even though she had no idea how wrong she was.

Rebekah let out a sigh and let her head rest in her hands, already regretting the hard decision she made. "You're trying too hard" Klaus says, glaring at Rebekah from a few tables over. He had heard everything, and he wasn't pleased with how Aurelia probably feels now.

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