Chapter 8

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Damon grabbed Elena's hand. "I promise you.. I will never leave you again" Damon and Elena shared a small smile as they made eye contact. "Well isn't this cozy?" Stefan says, interrupting the moment and breaking the silence between the vampire and doppelgänger.

Damon quickly stands up as Stefan just smirks at him. "What're doing here, brother?" Damon questions, eyeing him. "Last I checked, I live here" Stefan says as he goes over and grabs a drink. "Klaus is gone, but he's asked me to keep watch on you until he returns" Stefan says, referring to Elena. "From now on, you're under my protection" Stefan says as he raises his drink to them and takes a sip. "By all means, carry on. Although I left you guys a little present, outside the front door" Stefan says with a smirk as he walks out of the room.

Damon and Elena exchange a worried look between the two and they immediately rush to the front door. Damon opens it and Elena lets out a gasp as tears form in her eyes, with Aurelia's body drained of blood, laying on the door mat.

"What? No no no since when was she here? She's not supposed to be! She was supposed to be safe in North Carolina!" Damon says as tears slightly form in his eyes but he doesn't let them fall. He picks up his best friend's body gently and lays her on the couch. "Nobody tell you? Yeah she came with me and Klaus and she's the reason your life got saved, Klaus would've taken me anyways whether you were cured or not but Aurelia was the cherry on top to make sure he cured you" Stefan says, trying to get under Damon's skin as he leans on the doorway.

Before Stefan could say anything else, Damon vamp speeded him against the wall and crashed him into it a few times. "Why! Why her! She was innocent! She did nothing to you, I'm going to make you pay for this and you will regret it!" Damon exclaims before snapping Stefan's neck. "Damon..." Elena trails off and Damon just stares at his brother before looking over at Elena as a tear fell.


Damon had put Aurelia to rest in his bed, he couldn't bury her, not yet. He wanted to try to find a solution to bring her back to life. The night had passed and Stefan was playing twister with human girls and feeding on them, Elena went home the night before after comforting Damon about Aurelia, and Damon was in his room, trying to think of ways to save Aurelia.

He decided that Bonnie might be the best solution to help, when he went downstairs he just groaned once he saw the two dead girls, still bleeding out on his rug. He stepped over their bodies and saw Stefan in the living room with the girls playing a very bloody twister game.

"Uh oh Alexandra, left hand please" Stefan says as the girl walks over and hands him her left arm as he starts feeding on it. "Hey the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug" Damon states. "You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house too, brother. And what about the brunette that's still in your bed for whatever reason? Ooh! Would you like a spin?" Stefan says with an amused smirk on his face and Damon just glares at him at the mention of Aurelia.

"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?" Damon says, ignoring his comment of Aurelia while walking closer to him. "These ladies are helping me be all that I can be" Stefan says, Damon just rolls his eyes at him as there's a knock on the door.

Damon and Stefan share a look as Damon goes and opens the door and sees Rebekah standing there. "Where's Aurelia? And Stefan" Rebekah asks, walking in. "Who the hell are you" Damon says, closing the door behind her. "He left me here. My brother actually left me here" Rebekah says, looking around the house. "Oh I'm sorry, your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care" Stefan says and Rebekah's smug smile fades as she realizes that he's turned off his humanity.

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