Chapter 22

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Aurelia sat anxiously as she continued to hear her phone ring, hoping that her sister would pick up. "Aurelia?" Caroline's voice rang through, making Aurelia let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah. I just wanted to say hi and see how you're doing since.. you know" Aurelia trailed off. "I've been dealing. I've been with Bonnie and Abby, since you know, you turned her. She left this morning, so now I've been with Bonnie" Caroline says, making Aurelia sigh. "To be fair, I didn't turn her, Damon's blood did. I just finished the job. Tell Bonnie I say I'm sorry about her mother leaving though" Aurelia says, a hint of sympathy in her voice. "God don't be so smug about it" Caroline scoffs, ignoring Aurelia's other comment.

"Caroline I did it for Rebekah, I did it for all of them. I refuse to lose her or any of them, if you choose to not acknowledge that then it's on you, I couldn't care less and I don't regret my decision, whether you approve of it or not" Aurelia says, rolling her eyes at Caroline's scoff. "Is that where you've been? With the evil vampire slut?" Caroline says, making Aurelia grip her phone harder. "Actually no, I've been to busy turning since Elena fucking Gilbert had Esther trigger my curse beforehand, and I was to busy getting tortured by Damon yesterday and almost dying" Aurelia says, hanging up the phone right after and slamming it on the table beside her.

Aurelia groans as she holds her head, now receiving a headache. "What's wrong, love?" Rebekah asked as she walked into the room. "Nothing it's just Caroline, she pissed me off" Aurelia mumbles, letting go of her head and resting it against the chair. "Well to be fair, your sister was always kind of annoying like that" Rebekah mutters, going behind Aurelia's chair and wrapping her arms around Aurelia's upper body, kissing Aurelia's neck.

Aurelia leaned to the side, giving Rebekah more access to her neck. "Do you feel better from yesterday?" Rebekah mumbles, still kissing her neck. "Now is not the time to be the sweet Rebekah I know" Aurelia says, pulling Rebekah towards her and Rebekah sits on her lap, straddling her in a way. Rebekah pulled away from her neck and quickly went to Aurelia's lips, kissing her hard.

Right as Rebekah started to take off Aurelia's shirt, Aurelia's phone rang. "Fucking hell" Aurelia mumbles, seeing Caroline's name again. "What? I'm in the middle of something" Aurelia says, playing with the ends of Rebekah's blonde hair. "Did you know Alaric Saltzman killed dad?" Caroline says quickly. Aurelia hears another heartbeat over the phone though. "Nope. Good thing I already got my revenge on him though, not that I would get revenge for father anyways. Let me guess, it was Alaric's psycho, crazy, killing alter ego who killed him" Aurelia sighs, already bored of the conversation.

"Hey, what's with the uh, cryptic secret meeting text" Aurelia hears Matt say over the phone. "What?-" Aurelia starts but the phone hangs up on her. "Secret meeting text.." Aurelia mumbles to herself as she slowly puts the phone down from her ear. The sudden realization then hits Aurelia as her mouth hangs open and eyebrows raise.

"Bekah, are you sure you burned all of the white oak?" Aurelia asked, meeting Rebekah's eyes as she was still straddling her lap. "Yes I burned all of the wood used for the bridge, I'm sure of it" Rebekah says, furrowing her eyebrows as to why she would ask that. "Everything?" Aurelia raised her eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure" Rebekah says and Aurelia sighs.

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid we're gonna have to put this on hold Bex" Aurelia says, pushing a strand of the blonde's hair behind her ear. "Where are you going? Let me go with you" Rebekah says, reluctantly getting up from the hybrids lap. "No Bekah, I need to find out some information about whatever just happened. Go to Nik, he mentioned something about Finn, find him and take care of it" Aurelia says, grabbing her phone. "No I won't leave you again, what if they see you and try to kill you again? Or at least come with me, I'm sure whatever they are planning can wait a little bit. Please Aurelia, I don't even want to risk losing you" Rebekah says, stepping forward and grabbing the brunette's hand.

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