Chapter 25

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"Can you go check on Elena?" Stefan asked Aurelia over the phone. "Now? Seriously? Why do you even want me to do it?" Aurelia asks, resting her phone between her shoulder and head while she packed her things. "Don't you know all the originals are going to want Elena dead so they can get rid of Alaric? I'm involved with them. Why would you want me to check on her? What if I just snap her pretty little neck so my girlfriend and her family can be safe again?" Aurelia smirks to herself.

"Because I know Elena helped you escape Alaric and you feel like you owe her one. I know you do, wouldn't you rather pay it back as soon as possible so you don't need to worry about it later? And plus.. I want her safe. Me and Damon can't right now and who better else to ask than the hybrid who's stronger than both of us?" Stefan says before he hangs up the phone, making Aurelia sigh. "Asshole" Aurelia mumbles to herself, putting her phone down and folding another one of her shirts.

"Who is, love?" Rebekah asks, walking into the room and wrapping her arms around Aurelia's waist from behind while resting her head on the hybrid's shoulder. "Bex, don't be mad or freak out immediately.." Aurelia trails off, turning around while still in Rebekah's arms, who hesitantly nods. "When Alaric had me in the school.. he lured Elena there and she helped me escape. I kinda owe her one, Bekah. Stefan asked me to go check on her because she's out of the hospital. Trust me, I really would just kill her so that you-"

"It's alright. Go and check on her" Rebekah nods, kissing her cheek. "What? Why are you... complying so easily? You usually do but I mean it's Elena" Aurelia says, furrowing her eyebrows. "She helped save you, and I know how you feel about owing people things and don't like feeling indebted to them. So just go check on her so you can get your debt over with and we can kill her sooner to get rid of Alaric" Rebekah shrugs. "Thanks Bekah" Aurelia smiles, giving the blonde a peck. She started to walk out the room before something then came to mind.

"Wait.. but I thought you said Nik took Elena earlier? He would've killed her if it meant getting rid of Alaric, who can kill him and the rest of you. Then she was in the hospital, Nik wouldn't have just handed her over for any reason. Unless they did something to him and took Elena back..." Aurelia thinks out loud, looking to Rebekah when the realization comes across her face.

"Bloody hell. Of course every time we try to leave, one of us is always in danger" Rebekah mumbles, understanding what Aurelia was thinking. "Yeah the last couple of times were kind of my fault, whoops" Aurelia laughs nervously, scratching her head. "You just can't help but get yourself into trouble. Can you, love?" Rebekah laughs, narrowing her eyes.

"What can I say? I like adventuring and exploring new places. I feel like Dora, but at least I'm not as fucking blind as that bitch is, she needs fucking glasses and contacts and all those eye things and maybe even new eyes. Like laser them out of her head or something.. like superman! I think" Aurelia rambles while looking around and moving her hands around as she talks, making Rebekah smile. "You're absolutely right, darling. However, shouldn't you be worrying about Elena at the moment instead of how you're going to laser Dora's eyes out like superman?" Rebekah smiles, seeing the realization come across Aurelia's face again at the thought.

"Fuck the doppelwhore. I'd much rather be packing with you so we can leave and travel the world but it seems like we can't yet. I'll go check on Elena and you should probably see if anything happened to Nik, even though he probably is in trouble, try to find a way to get him back and I'll join you later. And then after we save his ass and there's nothing left for us here, we'll leave and go travel the world together. Just us two, just like we planned" Aurelia says, stepping forward and taking Rebekah's face in her hands, cupping it softly. "You promise?" Rebekah smiles, leaning into the brunette's touch while holding out her pinky finger. "I promise" Aurelia locks her pinky with Rebekah's before they each kiss their own thumbs and touch them together as well.

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