Chapter 14

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Aurelia was getting ready in the bathroom and leaving Damon lots of messages, apologizing. She kept calling him and it kept going to voicemail.

Aurelia groans in frustration before tossing down her phone harshly. "You alright love?" The brunette hears Rebekah's voice ring through the room next to her.

Aurelia just mumbles a yeah before leaving the bathroom once she's finished getting ready. Aurelia walked back into her bedroom where Rebekah was still laying in bed.

"Why so angry love?" Rebekah asks, observing the brunette in front of her. "Damon still won't return my calls. He's still pissed about me screwing up his plan and saving Nik" Aurelia mumbles before going to walk out the door. Rebekah vamp speeds in front of her and tucks a strand of hair behind Aurelia's ear, leaving her hand there for a moment before Aurelia took a deep sigh. "I'm sorry you got caught in the crossfire between me and my family" Rebekah murmurs and Aurelia just gives her a small smile.

"It'll be okay, thank you" Aurelia says and Rebekah gives her a kiss on her forehead afterwards, moving aside to let the brunette leave. Just as Aurelia was getting into her car, she got a call from Klaus. "Hello Nik" Aurelia says as she closes her door and starts her car.

"Stefan took my family. And I'm going to need your help to get them back" The hybrid says as Aurelia starts driving. "My help? Why mine? And why did Stefan take your family?" Aurelia questions. "Because I have nobody else. Yes I have my hybrids but.. I also need you. And when I gave him his freedom, he's taking revenge since I took everything from him apparently. But I think he's just being dramatic"

"Okay well what have you been doing?" Aurelia asks him and hears him sigh. "I've been laying low, I've been trying to figure out what move to make. However I did have one of my hybrids follow Elena on a run this morning, rather fun seeing her quite paranoid" Klaus explains.

"Good. Keep laying low, don't make a move. Stay quiet, it'll drive them crazy wondering what you'll be doing. In the meantime, maybe I can sneak around and try to find out or hear some information. I'll head to the Mystic Grill. I'll update you later" Aurelia explains with a sigh. "Thank you, Aurelia" Klaus says and Aurelia just hums in response before hanging up and driving to the Mystic Grill.


When Aurelia walks into the Mystic Grill, she keeps mostly to herself, she stays in a corner when she sees Bonnie and Elena sitting down. She was sitting far away from them so it'd be hard for them to see her but she could easily hear them.

"I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm totally paranoid all the time" Elena says while Aurelia takes a sip of her coffee, looking in the other direction. "You have a right to be, Klaus is still out there and he knows you tried to kill him" Bonnie says. "Why hasn't he made a move? There's been no sign of him, nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity" Elena says which makes Aurelia smirk. She knew it'd drive them crazy to be wondering what he could be doing all this time.

"Join the club, every time I close my eyes I have that nightmare, on repeat" Bonnie says which quickly pulls Aurelia out of her thoughts. "The same dream?" Elena questions and Bonnie just says 'yeah' quickly afterwards. "Four coffins, Klaus is in one of them.. it's weird" Bonnie says and Aurelia realizes those coffins are his family.

"What if it's not just some dream? What if it's like, you know, a witch dream" Elena says and Aurelia rolls her eyes.

No shit Elena it's a witch dream. Congratulations you're Sherlock Holmes now!

"It's just stress. I'll figure it out. What about Stefan? Has there been any sign of him?" Bonnie asks which makes Aurelia's ears perk up at the mention of the Salvatores name. "He betrayed us Bonnie, the Stefan that we know is gone" Elena says and Aurelia just rolls her eyes, she must mean nothing to them if Stefan doesn't.

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