Chapter 21

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"What's on your mind love?" Rebekah asked as her and Aurelia were walking towards the bridge that was starting to get reconstructed. "Caroline. I've barely talked to her or checked on her since father died. God I'm a terrible sister" Aurelia mumbles, sighing. "Hey, you're not a terrible sister. She has her things and you have yours, there's nothing wrong with that. You're not a terrible sister for it" Rebekah says, looking over at Aurelia.

"I could be better though. I don't even have many great qualities, clearly my father thought so" Aurelia says and Rebekah furrows her eyebrows. "Why do you call him your father? Even though he never acted like one towards you" Rebekah questions. "Because he's done damage that only a father could do, I guess that's where me and Nik are similar" Aurelia says, looking down as she continues walking. Rebekah stops walking which makes Aurelia stop a moment later and look back at her, seeing her in thought. "You're sly, cunning, a little mysterious, nobody ever knows what to expect from you.. but you're also caring, compassionate, sweet, you put up a good fight, and overall wonderful. You have many great qualities, my little minx. You just have to see yourself the way I see you" Rebekah says, stepping forward and cupping Aurelia's face with one hand while caressing her cheek.

Aurelia smiled as she leaned into her touch, holding Rebekah's hand that was on her face with her own. Aurelia nods and leans forward to kiss her softly. "Thank you, Bekah" Aurelia whispers, their foreheads resting against each other. Rebekah pulled away with a smile on her face and Aurelia pulled Rebekah towards Carol while still holding her hand.

Rebekah and Aurelia were now talking to Carol about the bridge and still trying to find more information about white oak.

"Rebekah and Aurelia are up to something. They've been snooping around in places they shouldn't be" Aurelia and Rebekah hear Damon say as him, Alaric, and Meredith walk nearby. Rebekah just kept talking to Carol while Aurelia would listen in, but Rebekah was also listening in as well. "Tell me again, why are we here?" Alaric asks as Aurelia nods at something Carol said. "Ric, the world can't stop just because you're an accidental psycho killer" Damon says and Aurelia furrows her eyebrows to herself while looking the other way so Carol wouldn't notice.

Ric did always give off the vibe of a serial killer. I was just wondering when it was going to happen sooner or later

"Do you have any tact whatsoever?" Meredith asks and Rebekah finishes her conversation with Carol as the mayor walks away from them. "You heard Damon right? He's onto us" Aurelia says quietly, turning to Rebekah. "I heard. We're just gonna have to try and not act suspicious" Rebekah says and Aurelia lets out a small laugh. "More than we've already been acting? There's no point, we just can't let him find out" Aurelia whispers and Rebekah nods at her.

Carol then starts talking and Aurelia sees Rebekah staring at something, she followed her gaze and saw Damon talking with a red-headed woman. "Who's she?" Aurelia asks near her ear with her front against Rebekah's back. "Someone from the past, come love" Rebekah says, shuddering when she felt Aurelia's hot breath next to her before starting to walk towards them. Aurelia follows quickly behind her.

"Look what the cat dragged in" Rebekah says, announcing hers and Aurelia's presence. "Easy there, Rebekah. You know, she used to beat men for sport" Damon says, standing near Sage. "Really? Cause I beat old people for fun. Not the wrinkly and crippled ones though" Aurelia says, looking Sage up and down with a small glare, already smelling the vampire on her.

Sage just hums, looking Aurelia up and down with a smirk on her face. "She was always quite common, love" Rebekah says, wrapping her arm around Aurelia's waist when she notices how Sage was staring at her girl. "Rebekah. What a happy surprise" Sage bluntly says, her eyes moving from Aurelia to Rebekah. "What are you doing here Sage?" Rebekah questions, her grip hardening on Aurelia's waist. Aurelia's hand went to Rebekah's that was on her waist and caressed it with her thumb, trying to calm her down.

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