Chapter 28

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"Can you come with me to school today, love?" Rebekah asked as she was getting ready for the day. "I haven't been to that school in like a year Bekah, I practically skipped my junior year" Aurelia laughed, getting out of bed and wrapping her arms around Rebekah's waist and resting her head on the originals shoulder.

"Please? For me?" Rebekah turned around, still in Aurelia's arms and batting her eyelashes at Aurelia with a faint pout. "You're slick. You know I'd do anything for you, so fine" Aurelia agrees, making Rebekah smile and give her a peck.

"Wonderful. Now get ready otherwise we're going to be late. Also, I was thinking of having a party here, can we?" Rebekah says, pouting again. "Now you're just using this to your ability, but yes" Aurelia laughs, making Rebekah smile at her again.

"Oh and-" Rebekah starts as Aurelia starts to walk away. "Nope!" Aurelia says, continuing to walk out of the room, making Rebekah roll her eyes playfully and chuckle.


Rebekah and Aurelia got ready and Rebekah printed out flyers to give to people about the party that they were going to throw. They arrived at school and compelled the teachers to act as if Aurelia has been there the whole time so they wouldn't have to deal with it later.

"Morning everyone!" Rebekah shouts as her and Aurelia walk into Alaric's old classroom, also hearing a little bit of Stefan and Elena's conversation beforehand.

"Morning Bekah" A girl in the room says as Rebekah hands out the flyers, causing Aurelia to glare at her slightly. "So me and Aurelia are throwing a little anti-curfew party at our house, starts at 5th period and goes till whenever, spread the word" Rebekah says, handing out more flyers.

"You're welcome to join Elena, if you'd like to bury the hatchet" Rebekah says, giving Elena a flyer as well. "It's a pretty enormous hatchet" Elena says, making Aurelia roll her eyes. "Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit" Rebekah says, glancing at Aurelia with a smile. "You guys got a new house huh? Did your brother finally kick you out?" Elena says, making Aurelia glare at her.

"It's not a new house, me and Aurelia have had one. And he didn't kick me out. I left" Rebekah says, not caring about Elena's thoughts. "So you left the only person on earth that actually likes you?" Elena says, making Rebekah frown. Aurelia sighs and leans forward, putting her hands on either side of Elena's desk and leaning over in her face. "Elena, if you don't learn to shut your good for nothing doppelgänger mouth.. you will end up on the wrong side of my hybrid teeth" Aurelia flashes her hybrid face, leaning upwards and standing next to Rebekah again, who smiles proudly at her.

"Well your boyfriend liked me once, actually a lot more than once" Rebekah smirks. "Which one Bex?" Aurelia looks at Rebekah, both of them smiling smugly at each other, feeling Stefan's glare. "Why are you guys still in town, Rebekah? Aurelia? Don't you guys have anywhere else to go? And uh, I thought you didn't come here anymore, Aurelia" Stefan says, looking to Aurelia.

"Well I wasn't, but now I am" Aurelia says, pretending to think for a moment. "And history's our favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman?" Rebekah says, looking back. "Oh that's right, I killed him" Rebekah whispers, slightly leaning forward. Elena glares at her and throws her pencil at Rebekah's face but Rebekah quickly catches it and throws it into Elena's shoulder. Elena's hand immediately goes to her shoulder and Stefan shifts in his seat while Rebekah and Aurelia smirk as Elena gets up and leaves the classroom, Stefan following her.

"Who knew you could be so mean, Bekah?" Aurelia whispers tauntingly in Rebekah's ear. "Probably because you're the only person I'm actually sweet with" Rebekah says, turning around to face Aurelia and giving her a peck.

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