Chapter 3

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All three of us are standing right now and just looking at Ray. He's miserable. "You said it was gonna feel better. Why doesn't it feel better?" Ray asks as he's shaking and Klaus clearly has a lot of thought on his face at the moment. "Some master race" Stefan says with a smirk and I laugh at him. "Lose the attitude" Klaus says. Someone's grumpy.

"I'm pretty sure that's the first joke you've made the entire trip Stefan" I say, smirking at him and he just rolls his eyes. Just then, the girl gasps awake. God is everyone always this dramatic when they wake up in transition? Granted they did just die but still, dramatic much?

"Derek, come feed your girlfriend" Klaus says as Derek stands up and Klaus grabs his arm and holds it out. As soon as no one is watching Ray, he gets up and then runs away and uses his wolf powers to jump over things easily. "Oh how wonderful, we have an out of control hybrid on the loose" I say as I palm my head. "Go get him" Klaus says, talking to Stefan.

"You stay here love, they're both faster than you and you'll probably get killed since he doesn't know how to control his bloodlust yet" Klaus says as I sit down on a log again. "Well duh I'm not stupid enough to walk into a death trap" I say as I put one leg over the other and cross them while I give Klaus a sarcastic smile. "Let's go find him." Klaus says, ignoring my comment and leaving the rest of the pack to wake up and feed. "How much do you wanna bet that he's already got a werewolf bite? Then what? Are you gonna heal him or let him die?" I ask as I get up and follow Klaus as we go where Stefan went.

"We'll see" Klaus says as he smirks at me and I scoff slightly and roll my eyes. I doubt he'll let him die, he wants him alive. If he didn't then he would've killed him a long time ago. We see Stefan looking out the trees and when he turns around he sees us. "Where did he go?" Klaus asks Stefan and Stefan starts to walk past us. "He got away. Forget him, let's go" Stefan says as Klaus then grabs his arm and turns him around and I was right. He got a werewolf bite. "A fatal werewolf bite, ouch." Klaus says with a smirk. God he can never be serious can he?

I just roll my eyes at his comment. "Yeah, I'm gonna need your blood to heal me" Stefan says as his gaze shifts from his bite to Klaus. "Well tell you what, you find Ray and then I'll heal you" Klaus says with a serious face. I spoke too soon. "You can't be serious" Stefan scoffs at him. "You better hurry, cause that bite looks nasty. Let's go love" Klaus says as he lets go of Stefan and I give him a sympathetic look as I end up following Klaus behind him. "You're really an asshole, I hope you know that" I say and Klaus just chuckles at me but doesn't say anything.

Me and Klaus make it back and see that the rest of the werewolves are waking up. Ugh I hate this. I'd rather go back to Mystic Falls than continue being here or hunting werwolves at this point.


Night time has reached and Stefan still isn't back and Klaus is still working with the werewolves. "Bad news my friend, end of the road for you" Klaus says to Derek as his hybrid face comes out and he feeds on him until he dies. Well since all of the wolves are fed and are all hybrids now, I guess Derek isn't needed anymore. I hear a stick break behind me and I look and see the werewolf guy who originally called me out. His face was all bloody like the rest of them and he was growling and getting closer to me.

"Uhhh Klaus!" I call out to him as I get up and start to back away from the hybrid. I turn around and see the girl approaching him as well and he looks at me once I call his name. "Down doggy, calm down" I say as I turn back around to the feral hybrid and he tries to jump at me but I move the side and dodge him and quickly run over to Klaus's side and see all of the werewolves starting to get around us. "Bloody hell" Klaus says as his hybrid face comes out.

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