Chapter 30

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Aurelia and Rebekah had arrived home and were spending quality time together. They decided to bake since they were bored and while their brownies and cookies were baking in the oven, Rebekah had picked up a bit of extra flour that was on the counter and threw it at Aurelia while she wasn't looking.

However, the brunette had amazing senses and sensed it coming and turned around and tried to catch it, she caught some but the rest ended up on her face and on her apron. Her mouth slightly gaped open, realizing that catching flour was very different from catching darts or bullets that were shot at her.

"Oh so that's how it's gonna be" Aurelia said and quickly picked up flour on her side of the counter and threw it back at Rebekah, most of it falling onto her apron but a little bit on her neck and chin. "I thought you had great aim, love" Rebekah smirked, vamp speeding around their island counter and behind Aurelia.

"Boo" The original said, her head right next to Aurelia's but the hybrid wasn't fazed. Instead, she vamp speed to where Rebekah originally stood, which was only a few feet away from the blonde and she picked up more flour and flicked it at Rebekah, getting most of it on her face and a little in her hair that was put up while they baked.

"What'd you say? Something about having great aim?" Aurelia teased as she kept her elbows to her hips but had her arms up and palms facing up, trying not to let anymore flour spill onto the floor than there already is. She noticed that Rebekah was keeping her arms up with her palms facing up as well.

Before Rebekah could respond with another comment, both girls heard a 'ding' erupt from Rebekah's phone and saw it light up from the other end of the counter.

"Who in the world decided to interrupt our time together" Aurelia says, rolling her eyes before her eyes advert back to Rebekah. "Don't know, don't care. All I care about is being with you" Rebekah says, turning her head back from her phone and walking towards Aurelia.

She pushed Aurelia against the counter, keeping her there with her body, neither of them touching the other with their hands yet, still keeping their palms facing upwards. Aurelia hummed in amusement, her eyebrow raising as she gazed into Rebekah's eyes, desperately wanting to pull her in closer but didn't want to cave in yet.

Rebekah had caved in by kissing Aurelia, but she still wasn't touching her with her hands yet. Aurelia was taken by surprise by the sudden kiss and couldn't help the small moan that escaped her mouth. Their moment was soon interrupted again when Rebekah's phone made another 'ding' sound.

"Ignore it" Rebekah says, pulling away for a second to say that before kissing Aurelia again. However, when the vampire's phone made another 'ding' noise, Aurelia pulled back.

"If you wanted me to ignore it, you should've silenced your phone Bex. Now check it" Aurelia smiles, seeing the small pout appear on Rebekah's face. "Fine" Rebekah mumbles, wiping her hands clean on a rag before picking up her phone and reading the messages.

"Who is it?" Aurelia asked after wiping her own hands, seeing the smile fall off Rebekah's face. "It's Stefan, he wants me to meet up with him again" Rebekah says, her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Go see him" Aurelia says, taking Rebekah aback with surprise. "What? Really?" Rebekah asked, still figuring out if even she wanted to go see him herself. "Yeah sure, I'm sure by the time you come back the cookies will be done and we still have to bake the brownies anyway" Aurelia assures, but she still sees the puzzled look on her girlfriends face.

The hybrid walks closer to Rebekah, cupping her face with both of her now clean, hands. "If you would like to go then you can and you should. It doesn't make a difference to me Bekah, I'll be waiting for you to come home to me" Aurelia says, meeting Rebekah's deep ocean blue eyes that always had a light in them whenever she was around Aurelia.

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