Chapter 6

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Now Klaus wasn't telling me anything, let alone talk to me. So I just ignored him right back. I ignored all of them as Klaus took Stefan into a semi truck and set him down. I walked inside, Rebekah following shortly after. I sat by Stefan's side and waited for him to wake up and Rebekah just went and stood in the corner like the creepy little barbie vampire that she is. Klaus just sat on a coffin, not looking at any of us until I started to hear shuffling under me and I look down and see Stefan waking up.

I was relived he was okay, I know it was just a neck snap but usually when someones neck gets snapped and they die, they stay dead but then again, they weren't vampires. "Stef!" I exclaim as I pull him into a hug which he returns. Once we pull away I get up and glare at Klaus as him and Stefan exchange looks.

"Just give me a chance to explain myself okay?" Stefan says as he sits up further. "No need. I'm not mad, I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something, a piece of your old life" Klaus says and I look over and glare at Rebekah and she just shrugs her shoulders. I mean I get it Klaus is her brother and all but he's the same brother who stuck a dagger in her heart for 90 years, and probably many more in the past. I don't think I'm ever going to understand how this family works.

"The thing is, she's got flawless instincts borderline supernatural so I thought... I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding" Klaus says as he gets up from the coffin and Stefan also gets up. Klaus then opens up the back door of the truck, revealing Mystic Falls and I can't help the groan that comes out of my mouth when I see the recognizable clocktower. "Welcome back to Mystic Falls Stefan. And you too, little pup" Klaus says as his gaze shifts towards me and I just roll my eyes and ignore him.

Klaus then vamp speeds over to Stefan and snaps his neck again, before he looks over at me and Rebekah. "Sister you stay here and keep snapping his neck every time he wakes up, I'm going to go find out what his secret is. You stay with her little pup" Klaus says as he starts to get out of the truck. "Seriously? You're gonna have me stay with her? And make me watch her snap my best friends neck over and over again?" I say as I groan and sit on top of a coffin. "Ouch, I thought I was your best friend love" Klaus says as he steps on the ground beneath the truck. "I said you were a friend, and that was before you tried to kill me. "Well I've killed Rebekah plenty of times and here she is, my sister" Klaus says as he looks over at Rebekah and I roll my eyes as Klaus closes the truck door, leaving me and Rebekah alone. Besides a temporarily dead Stefan on the ground.

"Do you think I'm happy having to be stuck here with you as well? No of course not but you don't hear me complaining" Rebekah says as she crosses her arms. I just ignore her and sit around, waiting for Stefan to wake up just for him to be dead again.


Nightfall ends up approaching and I just sigh to myself, still sitting on the coffin but my position changed to laying on top of it and staring at the ceiling, wishing it would rather be the stars. Klaus came back a few hours earlier, then he talked to Rebekah about something, I'm guessing he found out whatever Stefan was hiding and didn't feel the need to share it with me. Then he drove the semi truck somewhere and then Stefan woke up and Klaus snapped his neck again before he left.

More hours had passed and I was still just laying on this coffin,  Rebekah snapped Stefan's neck again about an hour ago, meaning he'll wake up soon. "You do realize you're laying on my brother Kol's coffin right?" Rebekah says, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh Kol? Isn't he the really really hot one?" I say with a smirk as I look up and see Rebekah glaring at me. "Well honestly Elijah's hot too, and if I didn't see Klaus kill a bunch of people I might like him, no doubt that he's hot too. Which brother should I choose, Rebekah?" I say as I sit up and continue smirking at her and she just continues glaring with her jaw clenched as she rolls her eyes. "I'm bored" I say, letting my smirk fade and giving up the act.

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