Chapter 2

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"We're here" Klaus says, ruining any chance I had of falling asleep just now. "Great, you guys have fun while I go to sleep" I say while I rest my head back against the window again. "Sorry love, you're coming inside with us" Klaus says as Stefan starts to get out of the car. "What? No I'm staying, plus I really don't feel like watching you guys kill whoever lives there" I say and Klaus just groans and rolls his eyes. "Fine, stay in here and rot for all I care" Klaus says while he opens his own door. "Rot? How long do you plan to torture those people" I say with a small laugh to myself. Klaus should really learn what words to use and what words to not use.

"Oh be quiet" He says, clearly annoyed by me now. Good. That's what he gets for dragging me along on this stupid journey for his dumb hybrids. And he still hasn't told me why he wanted me here, clearly it's cause he needs me alive but I still don't know what for. He's being stubborn and won't tell me.

"Bye Stef, be safe" I say before Stefan closes his door and he just gives me a smile in return. "Why thanks for caring love, I'll be safe" Klaus says and I can see Stefan just glare at him. "Go to hell" I mumble and see that Klaus just smiles at me before he closes his door as well. I put my head against the window and try to fall asleep while I wait for Klaus and Stefan to come back.


After a little while, I can hear a car door open and close and I look over and see Klaus sitting next to me again. "I thought you wanted to sleep" Klaus says turning on the car again. "I failed miserably, and to be honest I thought that you would've been gone longer" I say while I pick my head up and look towards him. "What did you miss me sooner than you thought you would?" Klaus says smirking at me. "Oh you wish, hybrid" I say as a smirk forms on my face as well.

It was silent between us for a moment before Klaus looks at me. "Before we left Mystic Falls, were you serious when you told Stefan that you spent multiple nights with Katerina?" I was taken aback when Klaus asked that. Why would he care whether I was serious or not? "I mean like yeah, but I've spent lots of my nights with people, people would call me a whore in highschool school when I still lived in Mystic Falls but I didn't care, I'm the only person who cares what I think, no one else" I say confidently in myself and Klaus just gives me a smile. It seems like a genuine smile too. Not one of his cocky ones or a smirk but a nice and genuine smile.

Klaus was starting to grow on me, I'll admit it to myself but not him of course. We've spent quite a bit of time together now since it's almost been like two months and I don't hate him as much as I used to anymore. I think I'm growing on him too. Even if he won't admit it, just like me.

Just then, Stefan opens his door and he gets in the back seat and Klaus starts driving to wherever we're going next now. I knew we were in Tennessee and Klaus is looking for like a Ray Sutton guy. "Did you guys get the information you needed?" I ask, if I'm gonna be here I would like to know what we're doing and where we're going. "Yes, two very nice ladies who lived in the house told us, Ray is in Tully near the boarder, he's at a bar called 'Southern Comfort' so that's where we're going" Klaus says and I just nod and turn back to look at Stefan in the back seat wiping the blood from his mouth. I can tell that he hates this. He hates being with Klaus, who killed Elena, and he's back to being a ripper which I knew was a dark time for him and it was so dark that he even blocked out the memories of it.

'You doin okay?' I mouth to Stefan and he just nods a little with a smile. 'You?' Stefan mouths back to me and I also nod. Even though I'm right next to Klaus and he 99.9% knows what we're doing, it still gives us the tiniest sense of privacy that we can talk and make sure the others okay as if he wasn't here. I give Stefan a smile before I turn and face forward and look out the road again. Waiting for us to arrive at the bar.

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