Chapter 20

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Rebekah would keep her distance throughout the woods, but still keeping an eye on Aurelia. Eventually, after a few hours of running around, Aurelia was laid on the ground, in her natural body. "You really love to just tire people out, don't you darling?" Rebekah says to herself as she crouches down and takes her jacket off and covers Aurelia with it. "Rude" Aurelia mutters, barely awake. "I figured you would've automatically been asleep" Rebekah laughed.

"Me too, but guess not. I'm tired though" Aurelia says and Rebekah smiles at her, lifting Aurelia's head up by grabbing her chin softly to look at her. "Then let's go home, it's not to far from here. Luckily you ran in the direction towards home" Rebekah laughs, giving Aurelia a quick peck on the lips before helping her stand up, and making sure the jacket is covering most of her body. "Up you go, come on love" Rebekah says and Aurelia was barely standing on her own two feet.

"You're really gonna make me carry you hm? Alright not a problem. Since you're now a hybrid I bet all of that made you exhausted" Rebekah says as she picks Aurelia up and starts walking. Aurelia hums as she rests her head near Rebekah's neck.

Rebekah carried Aurelia home and when she got there, she told Lucine to lock up and that they were heading to bed. Aurelia just stayed in the crook of Rebekah's neck on the way upstairs and into their room. "Rest love, I'll grab your pajamas" Rebekah says, gently setting Aurelia down against the bed. "Elijah called me, so did Nik. We talked for a bit and Elijah felt sorry about using my hatred for Elena to get what he wanted. He's so moral, I believe Esther may have gotten into his head with something she said. He left town, Kol also fled, and Esther and Finn are nowhere to be found. I'll tell you the rest and other details tomorrow, when you're ready to hear it" Rebekah says, grabbing Aurelia's pajamas.

"Bye bye to L'ijah then. I'll miss him and Koala too. Fuck Easter, she tried to kill you" Aurelia mumbles, her eyes barely staying open. "Koala? Easter? You sound like you're drunk" Rebekah laughs, handing the girl her pajamas. "Nikky is for Nik, L'ijah for Elijah, Koala for Kol, Easter for Esther, Michelle for Mikael, Shark fin for Finn, and then Bekah and my other nicknames for you. It's perfect" Aurelia mutters and Rebekah smiles at her as she slips into bed next to Aurelia.

"It is perfect" Rebekah whispers, leaving small kisses on Aurelia's neck. Aurelia turns around and nuzzles her head into Rebekah's neck like she was earlier, Rebekah's hands slip around Aurelia's waist. "You're perfect" Aurelia mumbles. Rebekah smiles before looking down and picking Aurelia's head up by her chin with her finger, forcing her to look at the blonde. "Not only are you perfect in general, you're also perfect for me, my love" Rebekah says, pressing a kiss to Aurelia's forehead. "Now go to sleep darling, I know you're exhausted" Rebekah says, dropping her hand back to Aurelia's waist and letting Aurelia nuzzle closely to her neck again. "Are you gonna have to leave me again tomorrow?" Aurelia asks with her eyes closed. "Not early like I did this morning, I have business that needs to be done. You can come with me, but it won't be to early so we'll have time. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, don't worry about it now, just sleep" Rebekah says and feels Aurelia nod under her before hearing light snores coming from Aurelia, showing her that she was asleep.


Aurelia and Rebekah woke up and spent the whole morning together and Rebekah already told Aurelia everything that she told Elijah and Klaus while on the phone about the white oak still being around and how Elijah felt guilty and left. And now they were having their breakfast.

"Seems as though I need to help save your life.. again" Aurelia smirks, pulling away from a girls neck that she was drinking from. "Please, you love saving my life. Because you brag about it all the time and always remind me" Rebekah playfully rolls her eyes before drinking another's girls blood. "Fair enough" Aurelia mumbles, letting her girl drop dead on the floor.

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