Phone Call

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Brock POV:

Bobby approached me, informing me that there was a satellite call waiting for me. I was extremely busy launching but he insisted I take the call. On the other end, there is the voice of an elderly woman.

"I was just wondering, if you had found the heart of the ocean yet, Mr Lovett?"

On hearing these words, my mouth immediately fell open, it seemed impossible for anyone who wasn't aboard this ship to be saying those words. The only other people who knew about it were on the Titanic... But there were no Titanic survivors left. Right?

Suddenly remembering the call, I brought the telephone back up to my ear. "Alright... You have my attention, Rose. Can you tell us who the woman in the picture is?" There is a moment of silence before my question is answered. "Oh, yes. The woman in the picture is me."

"She's a goddamn liar! Some nutcase seeking money or publicity! God only knows why", Lewis Bodine pushed, trying to inform me that we were wasting time with this Rose Calvert. "Rose DeWitt Bukater died on the Titanic when she was 17. If she had lived she would be over a hundred by now. Look, i already did the background on this woman all the way back to the 20s. When she was working as an actress. There's your first clue, Sherlock. Her name was Rose Dawson back then. Then she married this guy named Calvert, they moved to Cedar Rapids and she punched out a couple of kids. Calvert's dead and from what I hear, Cedar Rapids is dead-"

I decide to cut Lewis off. "And everyone who knows about the diamond is supposed to be dead or on this ship but she knows!"

We end the conversation as we see the helicopter containing Rose and her granddaughter approach the ship, preparing to gently hover over so they can exit and board the ship.

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