Jack Sees Rose

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Jack POV:

Fabri and I leaned over the railing to spot dolphins below us in the water, leaping in happiness. "Look! Theres another one! You see him? Look at that one, look at him jump" I pointed to the dolphins in excitement. I cheered and smiled down. I hadn't felt this happy in a long time. It felt so nice to be here, to get away from everything and to just be carefree, even if it wouldn't last forever. I had been through a lot in my life and I'd done a good job of covering it up. Sometimes I wished there was a person I could open up to. I had Fabri but he couldn't feel it the same way, I needed someone who could understand it through similar pain, much like a partner who I could trust and confide in. But no one wanted to be with a poor boy who couldn't provide for her. I guess I would be stuck this way for eternity. 

Fabrizio spoke, interrupting my thoughts. "I can see statue liberty already! Very small of course." Pushing away my previous thoughts, I climbed onto one of the railings and put my hands in the air. "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!!" I yelled out, cheering as loud as I could, overcome with happiness.

Rose POV:

I was sitting at the table during tea, stuck in the world of the riches around me, chatting amongst each other. I longed to be anywhere else, away from them all. As they made conversation about the marvellous ship, I decided to start a smoke. As I pulled it out and inhaled, my mother shot me a disturbed look. "You know I don't like that, Rose" she complained. I hated her telling me what to do, how to act. I blew the smoke in her direction before Cal reached over and took it from me. He told our orders to the server. Yes, our orders, meaning he ordered for both of us. I couldn't even eat what I wanted to, I'd never chosen my own meal ever. He ordered rare lamb with little mince sauce. How I loathed lamb. He seemed to be clueless. "You like lamb, right, sweetpea?" I loathed the nickname even more. Ignoring it, I gave him a smile and nodded politely, as I was brought up to do.

"You gonna cut her meat for her too, there, Cal?" Molly commented before laughing. When nobody returned her laugh, she awkwardly added, "Who thought of the name Titanic?" Bruce Ismay raised his hand. "I wanted to convere sheer size and size means stability, luxury and above all, strength." Without thinking, I immediately made a joke. "Do you know of Dr Freud, Mr Ismay? His ideas of the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you." I noticed Thomas Andrews laugh to himself but no one else joined in. Mother glared at me. "What has gotten into you?" I excused myself from the table and walked out to the upper dock, in need of fresh air and time alone 

Jack POV:

I noticed a man from third class lifting his daughter, Cora Cartwell up and pointing, explaining parts of the ship like the propellers to her. I thought it was the perfect inspiration for a drawing, so that's what I did, I begun to draw them. They looked so happy together and it hurt knowing I could never have a happy family like that - even if I could find a girl I loved and who loved me back, I could never provide for her and certainly not for her and a baby. 

I heard Fabri talking to another third class passenger behind me as I finished up with my drawing. We noticed two dogs on deck. "Oh, thats typical. First class dogs come down here to take a shite" I laughed at that, he seemed to be pretty funny. "It lets us know where we rank in the scheme of things" I teased back. He introduced himself as Tommy Ryan. 

Afterward, I heard him ask a question but I wasn't sure what he asked as I had caught sight of a stunning girl up on the first class deck. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid my eyes on. I couldn't look away. She had amazing jade green eyes and gorgeous red curls, which weee up in a bun. She wore a long laced cream colourer dress with a red sash. She had something I hadn't seen on one yet; a frown. She looked absolutely devasted like she was trapped in something. It was like there was nobody else on the ship except for her. I completely zoned out, lost in this strangers beauty, to me she was the only person around,  everyone else was just invisible. 

I heard Tommy say that I would have a better chance of 'angels flying out of my arse' than getting next to the likes of her and he was right. But that didn't take away her beauty. I didn't want to seem creepy by staring at her but I couldn't help myself. She was.. stunning. I noticed her look back at me before staring out into the ocean. It didn't take her long to return her gaze to me and I saw her frown lift up a bit. She smiled when she saw me.

Rose POV:

I was standing on deck, staring out into the sea when I noticed a handsome young man staring out of me out of the corner of my eye. I looked at him for a second and then back into the ocean. I couldn't help but look back. He really was gorgeous. He had diamond blue eyes and amazing golden locks of hair. He seemed like a third class passenger but that didn't change the fact I found my eyes connecting to his, like two magnets. I saw him smile at me and it was beautiful, it was such an amazing, heartwarming, memorable smile. I couldn't help but smile back, the anger and upset that overcame me earlier fading. But it returned just as quickly when Cal approached me and dragged me back inside.

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