The Real Party

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Rose POV:

I felt extremely out of place in my evening dress, mixed in with the third class bunch as the only first class passsnger. I ignored it though as everyone made me feel welcome. I clapped my hands as people danced along to music, Jack dancing with a precious eight year old girl named Cora. A man said something to me but I couldn't understand the way he spoke. I took a sip of my beer and continued to clap in time with the music. Who needed to be rich and have money when you could be poor but have this lovely company?

I loved watching Jack dance with this kid. He seemed like an amazing role model, so great with children. I knew if he ever did have a daughter he would make a fabulous dad. My thoughts discarded as I heard a crash. My eyes immediately darted to the sound as I saw a drunken man stand up after falling over. Instead of recovering, he immediately grabbed his glass of beer and drank more, which made me laugh.

I looked back over to Jack, who was still dancing with Cora, twirling her around. Everyone cheered as the music ended and they started up a new song. I could see Jack was out of breath but that didn't stop him. He pointed over to me and told Cora, "I'm gonna dance with her now, alright?" This scared me as I was unprepared for this. He grabbed my hand. "i cant do this," I protested. He ignored it and pulled me closer into him. I could feel his breath tickling my face. He turned to Cora and smiled. "You're still my best girl, Cora," he reassured her. She grinned from ear to ear.

Jack started dancing with me and I stumbled awkwardly. "I dont know the steps," I said, scared to ruin his dance. Instead he laughed, "Neither do I, just go with it! Don't think." I laughed as he bopped along with me, making up the steps as we danced. I felt alive, I felt happy. I felt like i was meeting my real people, like I was born to be with them. I screamed with joy as Jack cheered in happiness.

Jack led me up to a small stage and began to tap dance. I stared at him in awe. He was so talented, he could draw, he could dance. Was there anything he couldn't do? Excited to join in, I took off my shoes and threw them on the floor. I tried my best to tap dance like him. I wasn't sure if I was doing it right but either way, he smiled and encouraged me. We tap danced together before he put his arm in mine and we spun. He then grabbed both my hands and spun me around really fast.

While we were spinning, he screamed with joy, laughing. I did the same. After we were done, we approached Jack's friend who wae Tommy thumb wrestling another man. Jack grabbed our drinks from the table and handed me mine. He took a small sip out if his and gazed at me as I chugged mine. I then looked at him. "What? You think a first class girl can't drink?" I joked, laughing.

A drunken man bumped into Jack, causing him to spill his drink all over me. He pushed the man away and immediately checked if I was okay. I assured him I was fine and then walked over to Tommy. "So, you think you're a big tough man?" I asked him, taking the cigarette from his mouth and smoking a draw. "Let's see you do this" i handed Jack the train of my dress. "Hold this for me, Jack. Hold it up"

I slowly lifted myself up and up and up, higher and higher until I was on the very tips of my toes. Eventually when it became to much to bear, I yelled out in pain and fell into Jack's arms. Once again, he immediately checked that I was okay. "I haven't done that im years!" I said, laughing.

As the music started up again, I noticed a konga line had formed. I quickly grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him over to the line as we danced. This went on for hours and it was the most fun I had ever had my whole life.

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