The Slap

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Rose POV:

I stared at Cal as he paced around the room in silence, just me and him inside. I closed my eyes for a moment as he approached me. Instead of scolding me, he slapped me across the face, hard. My cheek ached. I knew if Jack were here, he would have protected me. Unless he wouldn't have. He stole from me. Is that the reason he got close with me? So he could use me for my money? I trusted him, I opened up to him, I slept with him. I thought he loved me. "Oh, it is a little slut, isn't it?" Cal snarled at me. I couldn't bring myself to even lift my head. "You look at me when I'm talking to you!" He commanded, violently grabbing onto my shoulders.

We were interrupted by a knocking on our door. A crewmember walked in. "Mr Hockley?" Cal looked past me. "Not now. We're busy." He complained, demanding the crewman to leave the suite. He did no such thing. "Sir, I've been told to ask you to please put on your lifebelts and come up to the deck." He protested, receiving a rude glare from Cal. "I said not now." The crewmember opened our closet. "I'm sorry to inconvenience you, Mr Hockley but it's Captain's orders. Now, please dress warmly, it's quite cold out tonight." He advised, taking out warm clothes and placing them on the bed. "May I suggest topcoats and hats?" Cal scowled and walked away from me. The crewman walked up to me. "Not to worry, miss. I'm sure it's just a precaution." He reassured me.

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