You jump, I jump

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Jack POV:

I made my way down the first class stairs. I knew I was forbidden to enter first class as a third class passsnger but I desperately wanted to speak to Rose. I walked up to the chapel where slm the first class passngers were singing but was pushed away. "Sir, you can't be here," a worker told me. "But i just need to talk to someone," I argued. I was still denied entry. "I was just here last night, don't you remember me?" I asked, hoping that would get me in. "No, Im afraid I don't. Now if you could please just turn around."

I saw Cal's servant step outside the chapel. "Mr Hockely and Miss DeWitt Bukater continue to be appreciative of your assistance. They asked me to give you this in gratitude." He attempted to hand me a 20 dollar bill but I refused it. "I don't want your money, I want to speak to Rose." He cut me off. "Also to remind you that you hold a third class ticket and that your presence here is no longer appropriate."

I couldn't understand why he wouldn't just allow me to speak to her. "Please, I just want to speak to Rose for one second. Please!" They still denied me entry.
"Gentlemen, could you please take Mr Dawson back to where he belongs and make sure he stays there?" The two workers guided me away, back to third class.

I pulled myself back up to first class, climbing over the railing. I wasn't leaving until I got to speak to Rose. I noticed a top hat and coat lying on a couch and grab it so I'm not recognised.

Rose POV:

As Mr Andrews was touring us around the ship, I walked up to him. "Mr Andrews, forgive me but... i did the sum in my head and with the number of lifeboats multiplied by the capacity you mentioned... Forgive me but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard," I informed him, confused as to why this was. "About half, actually. Rose, you miss nothing, do you. Infact, i put in these new type davits which can take an extra row of boats inside this one. But it was thought, by some, that the deck would look too cluttered so.. i was overruled." He states, as if it was a good thing that we were short on lifeboats. "It's a waste of deck space as it an unsinkable ship," Cal added, hitting a lifeboat with his cane. I felt a stranger grab me by my arm and take me into a room. I quickly realised it was noy a stranger but the one person I was forbidden from going near...

Jack POV:
I led Rose into a dark room and she immediately got ready to leave. "Jack, this is impossible. I can't see you," she said, preparing to walk out the door. I grabbed her hand. "I need to talk to you." She stared at me. "No, jack, no. Jack, I'm engaged. I'm marrying Cal. i love Cal." I stared deeply into Rose's beautiful eyes, knowing that statement was far from true.

"Rose.. you're no picnic. You're a spoiled little brat even. But under that, you're the most amazing, astounding, wonderful girl- woman that I've ever know and just let me try and get this out. You're ama... Look, I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works. I've got ten bucks in my pocket, I have nothing to offer you and I know that. I understand. But I'm too involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I just cant turn swat without knowing you'll be alright. That's all I want."

"Well, I'm fine. I'll be fine. Really," she protested. Except I didn't believe her. "Really? I don't think so. They've got you trapped, Rose. And you're gonna die if you don't break free. Maybe not right away cause you're strong but... Sooner or later, that fire that I love about you, Rose. That fire is gonna burn out." I said as I gently placed my hand on her cheek, stroking it gently.

She looked at me as tears brimmed her eyes. Even though we both knew I was right, she still protested. "It's not up to you to save me, Jack." She replied. I cared about her so much and even though I did not get a say in what she did with her future, I knew if she married Cal, things would only get worse. "You're right. Only you can do that," I replied, smiling at her. I continued to stare into her eyes but I guess she couldn't bare it any longer. "I'm going back. Leave me alone," she said, removing my hand from her cheek and storming out.

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