The Axe

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Rose POV:

I left the room and searched the corridor. "Hello, is there anyone here? Hello? Is there anybody down here? We need help!! Hello?! Damnit." I panted as I ran around desperately. "Can anybody hear me, please! Hello? Hello?" I heard foosteps and a middle aged passenger walked by. "Oh, thank god. Wait, please, I need your help! Theres a man back here and he's.. Wait no come back!" The man refused to help me and ran up the stairs. I panicked and leaned against the wall as the lights flickered on and off. I tried to control my breathing. I was terrified. If I didn't find help soon I would lose Jack. I heard faint footsteps. "Hello?"

I saw a crewman who was carrying two lifebelts. He grabbed my arm. "Miss, you shouldn't be here now!" He scolded me. "Wait, no, there is a man down here andnhe is trapped.." I began as he pulled me further away from the room Jack was being held captive in. "Alright, this way, follow me. No need to panic, come with me" I desperately tried to pull my hand out of his grip. "No, I'm not panicking! You're going the wrong way! Let go of me. Listen!!" I yelled before pulling my arm out of his grip and punching his face with the other, drawing blood. "To hell with you." He ran away, leaving me alone once again. I tried catching my breath and closed my eyes. When I reopened them I saw an axe behind a glass case. Without thinking another thought, I smashed the case and grabbed the axe, running back to Jack. By the time I got to the stairs i noticed the corridor was completely flooded. The water filled up fast. I hoped Jack was okay. "Oh my god." I leaned into the corridor and saw something spark. I took off my jacket, abandoning it as a lost cause and made my way through the water, using the pipe above to help pull me through. I gasped in shock at how cold it was. It was exactly how Jack described: The feeling of a thousand knives stabbing you. Maybe worse.

Jack POV:

It felt like Rose had been gone forever. The thought of her abandoning me to evacuate crossed my mind but I shook it away. She was coming back. She was. She loved me, she wouldn't leave me to die. I trusted her with my life. If she said she was coming back, she was coming back. Sure enough, she did. With an axe in her hands. "Jack! Will this work?" I stared at her. She looked absolutely freezing. Her skin was paler than usual, she was wearing nothing but her dress and she was shivering. I hated to see her like that. "I guess we'll find out. But try a little practice swings at that cabinet over there!" I suggested.

She turned around, swung the axe in the air and hit the cabinet, making a dent. "Good! Now try and hit the same mark again, Rose! You can do it, " I encouraged and she did so. "Alright, that's enough practice. Just hit it really hard and really fast. Open your hands up a little more. Good. Listen, Rose... I trust you." I held my hands as far apart as I could and braced myself, closing my eyes. "GO!" I yelled and I heard the sound of the axe hitting off of the pipe. I opened my eyes and saw they were no longer connected. "YOU DID IT, ROSE!!" I hugged her and kissed her. I wish I could for much longer but there was no time. I jumped off of the desk and into the water, it was way more cold than I expected. "Shit, this is cold. Shit! Shit! Shit, shit." We exited the room and saw that the way out was completely flooded. "We'll have to find another way, come on!"

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