The Final Plunge

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Jack POV:

Rose and I leaned over the edge to see the ship was tilting fast. I could tell, she was scared. It was my job to protect her. I had to protect her with everything I was. "We have to stay on the ship as long as possible, come on!" I grabbed her hand and we ran up to the stern as fast as we could, as well as most passengers remaining. We climbed over railings and ran for the stern as the ship tilted upwards.

Fabrizio POV:

As I swam through the ocean, the current tried to suck me through a window back into the ship along with other passengers. I managed to save myself by grabbing onto the ledge above and pushing myself away. I heard the sound of a creaking and whe I looked up, I saw a massive funnel collapse. I had no time to swim away from it and it bashed me and other passengers as it fell into the water. Everything went dark

Jack POV:

I grabbed Rose as the tilting of the ship caused her to fall backwards. I pushed her infront of me as we made our way up the ship. We passed a pastor praying to God as many passengers held his hand, joining in on the prayer. Finally made it to the stern and several people climbed over and fell off, right into the ocean. I grabbed onto the railing and Rose did the same as I held her close.

Rose POV:

As Jack held me close, I saw a woman hugging her son, reassuring him that it would all be over soon. On the other side of me, I saw Helga, the woman Fabrizio danced with at the third class party. I looked up at Jack who seemed petrified. I looked around and decided to try and cheer him up. "Jack," I began. He looked down at me. I smiled. "This is where we first met." He stared into my eyes before kissing my head and leaning his cheek ontop of me, pulling me in tighter.

Jack POV:

I saw many people lose grip of the railing and slide down the ship into the deep sea as the ship continued to tilt upwards. Most were yelling for help. "Hang on real tight, Rose!" The boat begun to tilt back down and I looked below us, noting that the ship had split in two. The stern side where me and Rose were quickly fell back into the sea, everyone hanging onto the rail screaming. Rose and I began to slip and I almost lost my grip. We pulled ourselves back up. Before long, the half of the ship began to tilt upwards once again.

"WE HAVE TO MOVE!" I yelled to her. I climbed over the other side of the rail as the remainder of ship continued to to upwards. "Give me your hand, I'll pull you over." Rose didn't do anything. "I can't.." She began to tremble. "You can, Rose! Cmon, give me your hand. I've got you. I wont let go. Come on, I've got you!" I helped pull her over the railing to the side I was on as the stern was in the air. "What's happening, Jack?" She asked me. "I don't know... I don't know!" I replied. The stern sort of stuck up in the air and just sat there for a moment.


I watched below as many people lost their grip and fell into the ocean. I stared at Helga who was looking up at me. Eventually she couldn't hold on any longer and pummeled down. I turned to look at a crewman who was next to me. He clearly had the same idea as Jack.

Jack POV:

The stern continue to stick up in the air until the sea slowly pulled it under, us on the top. "THIS IS IT!!" I yelled to Rose. The stern got closer and closer to the ocean surface. "Oh my god, Jack! Oh, god. Oh, god. OH, GOD!!" Rose screamed in fear. "HOLD ON!!" I stroked her hair a little as she continued to yell out in fear. "Rose.. the ship is gonna suck us down. Take a deep breath when I say. Kick for the surface and keep kicking. Do not let go of my hand," I instructed. Rose nodded her head. "We're gonna make it Rose! Trust me." She was quiet for a moment before replying. "I trust you." As we inched closer and closer to the ocean, I prepared for the suckage. "Ready? Ready?! NOW!!" I commanded and we both breathed in as the stern went underwater, with us on top.

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