Rose's Dreams

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Jack POV:

"Well I didn't care too much for all that dottism and cubism. I just had no heart to it" I explained as Rose stared into the ocean. "I liked some of it" she responded, smiling. I took a deep breath. "Well, Paris for me, it was more about living on the streets and putting it onto the paper"

Rose sighed at that but it was more of a happy one. "You know my dream has always been to just run away and become an artist! Living in the garat, poor but free!" She let out a laugh and I mockingly folded my arms. "You wouldn't last two days. There's no hot water and hardly ever any caviar" I joked, thinking of the most richest food that came to mind. "I happen to hate caviar! And I hate people telling me what dreams I should and shouldn't have" she shot back. At that, I softened, feeling bad. I didn't intend to offend her. "I'm sorry. You're right, I'm sorry."

"Well... alright. Everybody expects me to be this delicate flower which im not! Im sturdy, im strong as a horse! I'm here to do something, not just sit around and be decorative. You see these hands? They were made for work" A man approached her and offered her some tea among other stuff. I couldn't help but laugh. "No!" She yelled, clearly somewhat upset about receiving everything at her fingertips. She scowled and continued to speak. "There's something in me, Jack, like a dynamo, I don't know what it is but I feel it, I don't know whether I should be an artist or a sculpture or a dancer! Like Isadora Duncan! A wild pagan spirit!" I stared at this beautiful girl as she danced along the deck, full of life. "Or a moving picture actress?!" She said, posing dramatically. She looked so cute. So alive. So wild. I resisted the urge to hold her and never ever let go.

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