Rose's Promise

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"You don't understand. If we go back now, they'll swamp the boat! They'll pull us right down, I'm telling you!" The officer argued. Everbody was so unbelievably selfish. As long as they got to live, they didn't care about the many passengers dying out there. I picked up an oar. "Oh, knock it off. You're scaring me. Come on, girls. Grab an oar." I commanded but nobody did so. "Are you out of your mind, we're in the middle of the North Atlantic! Now do you people wanna live or do you wanna die?!" He yelled back. I looked around waiting for someone to come to my side, but it never happened. They didn't care about their husbands dying out in the ocean? I glanced at Ruth. Her daughter was out there. And she didn't seem to care. What kind of a mother doesn't care about her own daughter dying in the middle of the icy cold sea?! "I don't understand a one of ya. Whats the matter with ya? Its your men out there!" I paused before adding, "Theres plenty room for more." The officer glared at me. "And there'll be one less on this boat, if you don't shut that whole in your face."

Harold Lowe POV:

"BRING IN YOUR OARS OVER THERE! AND TIE THESE TWO BOATS TOGETHER AS WELL! NOW MAKE SURE THATS TIED UP NICE AND TIGHT!" I commanded. I looked over to where the "unsinkable" masterpiece had ironically sunk. We couldn't just leave them out there... they needed saved. I couldn't let them all die. "RIGHT, LISTEN TO ME, MEN!! WE HAVE TO GO BACK! I'D LIKE TO TRANSFER ALL THE WOMEN FROM THIS BOAT TO THAT BOAT, QUICK AS YOU CAN, PLEASE!! LETS GET SOME SPACE OVER THERE, MOVE FORWARD AND AFT!!

Jack POV:

I looked around me. Most of the people who were screaming for help previously had now gone all quiet, as death had got to them. I couldn't say this to Rose but if the boats didn't return, that would be me soon. I hated the thought of leaving her this way. I shivered in the freezing water. "It's getting quiet" Rose muttered, losing faith. "I-it's just gonna take a.. a couple of m-minutes to-to get the boats organised," I replied. "I.. I don't know about you but I i-i-intend fo right a.. strongly worded letter to the.. white star l-line about all of this," I joked. Rose couldn't bring herself to laugh. "I love you, Jack," she said quietly. I stared at her. No. I wasn't dying this early. This wasn't goodbye.

"D-dont you do that. Dont you say your goodbyes. Not yet. Do you understand me?" I demanded. "I'm so cold..." Rose wasn't going to die. I wouldn't let her. I wouldn't let her die. Not this way. And if I had to give my life in order for her survive, I would do so in a heartbeat. "Rose... you're gonna get out of here. You're gonna go on and... you're gonna make... lots of babies! And you're gonna watch them grow! You're gonna die an old.. an old lady, warm in her bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Do you understand me?" She shivered. "I can't feel my body." I began to think of what would've happened if I never won that ticket. We never would have met, she would be forced into a marriage she was unhappy in, if she even survived the sinking without me. Cal most likely would have abandoned her. But if it weren't for me.. she would be on a lifeboat right now, safe and sound. I couldn't decide if me being a part of her life were good or bad but it definitely changed my life for the better.

"Winning that ticket, Rose... that was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful..." I saw her eyes start to tear up. I grabbed her hand with both of mine. "You must... you must.. you must do me this honour. You must promise me.. that you'll survive. That.. you won't give up. No matter what happens. No matter how... hopeless. Promise me now, Rose. And never let go of that promise," I told her. "I promise," she replied, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Never let go..." I repeated. "I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go." I forced a smile and breathed on her fingers, trying my best to keep her warm.

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