Rose's Suicidal Mission

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Rose POV:

I saw my whole life as if I'd already lived it. An endless parade of parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches. Always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. I felt like I was standing at a great precipice, with no one to pull me back, no one who cared or even noticed.

I found myself running across the ship in uncontrollable sobs, my hair flowing in the wind, mascara leaking down my cheeks. I pushed pushed all the people in my way as I ran to the stern.

Jack POV

I was lying down on a bench, smoking a cigarette and staring into the night sky, watching stars. I would never forget what my pops would tell me about them. I loved going out late at night and stargazing with him. What I wouldn't give just to do it one last time.

I heard the commotion of a woman running past me in tears. I sat up and saw she had luscious red curls and she was wearing a long red dress. It took me a moment to realise it was the same girl from before. I ran after her; sometimes the comfort of a stranger can help more than you would think. I stopped as I saw her shakily approach the railing at the very back of the boat. I watched in horror as she climbed over the rail, staring out into the Atlantic, preparing to jump off. I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't let somebody die like this knowing I could have tried stopping her.

Rose POV:

I stared out into the deep ocean, ready to let go and end my life. As morbid as it felt, this way my only way out. I heard footsteps behind me and heard the voice of someone telling me not to do it. I turned my head, startled to see it was the same young man my eyes were glued to earlier that day. Was he really wasting his time trying to convince some he didn't even know not to commit suicide? I wasn't worth it, I was worth nothing, Cal and mother made that extremely clear.

"Stay back! Dont come any closer! I mean it, I'll let go!" I warned him, being partially honest. He took a cigarette out of his mouth and took a few steps closer so he could throw it into the ocean. He then pocketed his hands and looked at me. "No you wont," he protested. How would he know if I would or would not? In our only other interaction, we allowed our eyes to don't he talking. "What do you mean? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do, you don't know me!" I argued. He looked down, almost seemingly sorrow for daring to say those words.

He finally spoke, "You would've done it already," he reasoned. I thought for a moment. Was he wrong? No. I wanted to jump but deep down I knew I wouldn't. "You're distracting me, go away!" I commanded him. He took a deep breath. "I can't.. I'm involved now. You let go and I'm gonna have to jump in after you" he stated, beginning to untie his shoes. I was too stunned to speak. There was no way to believe him. Nobody cared about me, not even my own mother would do such a thing, let alone a stranger. Why was he caring about someone he didn't even know?

"Don't be absurd, you'd be killed by the fall alone, nevermind drowning in the sea." I argued. He took one shoe off and began working on the other. "Yeah it's a possibility but to tell you the truth, I'm a lot more concerned about that water being so cold." This frightened me. I shivered at the thought of it. I looked down at the ocean and then back at him before asking how cold it would be. "Freezing, maybe a couple degrees over. Y'know, I grew up in Wisconsin, near Chipewa Falls and when I was a kid, my father took me ice fishing. Ice fishing is where you-" I cut him off. I knew I was rich but richness didn't equal to stupidity. "I know what ice fishing is!" I complained before scowling angrily. He immediately apologised, which was not something expected.

"Anyway I fell through some thin ice and I'm telling you, water that cold like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can't breathe, you can't think. At least not about anything but the pain. Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you. Like I said, I don't have a choice. I guess I'm kinda hoping you'll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here." I watched as he took his jacket off and placed it with his shoes. He slowly took a few more steps towards me.

"You're crazy!" I told him. He chuckled to himself and took one last step towards me. "Thats what everybody says but with all due respect, miss, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. Come on, you don't wanna do this" he said, reaching for my hand around my waist. I hesitated before finding his hand and slowly turning around. He gazed into my eyes. All I could think was of the mess I must have looked.

Jack POV:

After finally convincing her to grab my hand she did so and turned to face me, still on the other side of the railing. I stared into her beautiful puffy red eyes, she had been crying and her makeup had gotten a little messy but I didn't care. She still glowed. "I'm Jack Dawson," I said, introducing myself to her. "Rose DeWitt Bukater," she replied. I smiled before making a little joke; I tend to try to make the best out of bad situations. "I'm gonna have to get you to write that one down" I teased, making her laugh a little. She had such a gorgeous laugh.

Holding both her hands tight, I helped her slowly climb back over. As she did so, her heel got caught on her dress and she slipped, letting out an ear piercing scream. I held on to her as tight as I could, leaning over the railing. Poor girl was terrified. I tried to help her pull herself up but she fell even more. I started to lose my grip on her. I couldn't just let go, i grasped tighter and looked at her in the eyes.

"Look at me, look at me. You're okay, trust me. I've got you.. I won't let go, I promise. Now pull yourself up!" Using what seemed to be all of her might, she pulled herself up. When she was finally all the way up, I carefully removed one hand to grab her waist before doing the same with the other. I pulled her over the railing and we fell on the floor of the deck together, me on top.

A group of crewmen ran to the scene, obviously hearing her screams. I realised what this must have looked like to them. A young girl with a look of fear in her eyes, sprawled on the floor under a boy, who's shoes and jacket were both to the side. Not a good look at all. "YOU STAND BACK AND DON'T MOVE AN INCH!!!" One yelled towards me before ordering another to 'fetch the master at arms'. I did as I was told, even though I had done nothing wrong. At least she was safe now.

Before I knew it, I was being handcuffed infront of Rose, who was being covered in a blanket drinking a warm cup of tea. The man I saw her with earlier was yelling in my face. "What made you think you could put your hands on my fiancée?" He asked rhetorically. Hearing those words was horrible news. She was engaged? I never noticed the ring on her finger but could see it now. I stared at her. "Look at me, you filfth!" He continued to shout. "Cal! Cal, stop! It was an accident. Stupid, really. I was leaning over and I slipped" she lied as he glared at her with seemingly unbelieving eyes. "I.. I was leaning far over to see the, uh, the... the, uh, the..." it seemed like she was trying to think of something that ships have yet knew nothing of machinery. "The uh.. propellers! And I slipped and ... I would've gone overboard but Mr Dawson here saved me and he almost went over himself!"

I smiled. I found it cute the way she lied to her own fiancée for my sake. Well, partially lied. They asked me if that was the way of it and I looked over to Rose, who had pleading eyes like she was begging me to keep her attempt of suicide private. Of course I would respect that so I nodded. "Yeah that was pretty much it." She gave me a look of relief and mouthed the words 'thank you' to me. The handcuffs were removed from my wrists as Cal and Rose heads inside.

"Perhaps a little something for the boy?" A crewman suggested. Cal nodded his head and looked at who seemed to be one of his servants, whom he ordered to hand me a 20 dollar bill. I stared in disbelief. Was this man really putting a price on his fiancé's life?! His behaviour was disgusting. Rose seemed to think the same because she scoffed at it. "Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?" She asked, which were my exact thoughts. Cal frowned, as if her speaking up for herself was the most dreadful thing in the world. "Rose is displeased. What to do? I know" he approached me and invited me to join him and Rose for dinner the next evening to 'regail' their group of my 'heroic tale'. I accepted the invite not for the reasons he said but so I would get the chance to see Rose again. I watched as he took Rose inside.

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